


Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

woman mahout

Rarely has one heard of woman mahouts or female elephant handlers. But like in most other endeavours women seem to have conquered even this dare devil feat hitherto confined to the male fraternity, as seen by the daring escapade of this woman who is controlling this pachyderm at a private elephant’s orphanage in Kegalle, banishing the popular myth of the female being the weaker of the species. And appropriately so on a day like today when women the world over come out in full strength flexing their muscles to assert their rights - being International Women’s Day. Picture by Ranjith Premadasa

Yapa to act against Leader report

Government Spokesman, Minister Anura Priyadharshana Yapa yesterday assured appropriate action regarding a news item titled 'The Tiger report on para militaries' published in the Sunday Leader of March 5, 2006.


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Woman's right to live with dignity and respect inviolable

President's International Women's Day message

President Mahinda Rajapakse in his International Women's Day message has said that no power should be allowed to violate a woman's right to live with dignity and respect in human society.

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Tiger negotiators nabbed with gun catalogues

The Customs at the Bandaranaike International Airport had detained several catalogues containing weapons and number of powerful search lights from the possession of the several LTTE members who returned to the country from Oslo yesterday morning.

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Daily News Photo Essay  : e-Sri Lanka the new Business Hub of South East Asia

Buddhist Spectrum


Demand for high grown tea in CIS countries

SRI LANKA should increase the high grown quality tea production which has a massive demand in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) including Russia and Ukraine industry sources said.

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