Daily News Online

Monday, 15 August 2011






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Government Gazette

‘Join in developing the country to avoid another war’

We suffered for 30 years due to war and lost everything. We do not need a similar thing to happen in the future. To avoid this we have to get together and develop the country.

We need to change our attitude, said Resettlement Deputy Minister Vinayagamurthy Muralitharan during an interview with the Daily News.

There was a 30-year long war but things are getting better now. Anybody who visits the North and East can see that, he said.

Following are some extracts of the interview:

Q: How will the Parliamentary Select Committee help the Tamil community?

A: This is the best time to solve the ethnic issue and that is through a Parliamentary Select Committee. Both President Mahinda Rajapaksa and the Tamil community wish to implement the 13th amendment. There is no strong opposition from the Sinhala people for this now, because Sinhala people guarantee the rights of the Tamil people.

Resettlement Deputy Minister Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan

The Parliamentary Select Committee is to be appointed soon and everything related to the implementation of the 13th amendment, constitutional changes, economic development, etc will be discussed only through this committee. On August 9, we met at the Parliament under the leadership of Prime Minister D.M. Jayaratne to discuss the proposed Parliamentary Select Committee.

The consent of the majority of Sri Lankan community is required to give rights to the Tamil community. Nothing can be done without the consent of the majority. Unlike in the past, Sinhala people can travel freely to the North and closely associate with the Tamil people. The Tamil people have always lived with the Sinhala people in peace and harmony all over the country, especially in Colombo. They are friendly with each other and understand each other. Therefore, there is not much opposition from either Sinhala politicians or the Sinhala people for the implementation of the 13th amendment.

The 13th amendment is all about the existing Provincial Council system. It is already in operation all over the country including the East. The Provincial Council election can be conducted in the North by next year. Only ‘power sharing’ has to be discussed in the Parliamentary Select Committee. Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim and politicians comprise the Parliamentary Select Committee. It will discuss the mechanism of power sharing.

Q: How do you see the latest election victory (LG Polls) of the UPFA and the verdict given by the people in the North?

A: Things are getting better after the latest UPFA election victory. After 30 years the SLFP contested Jaffna and won seats in all Pradeshiya Sabhas. We did not lose. We won seats in all Pradeshiya Sabhas. Everyone thought the government would cheat and win the LG polls in the North. But it did not happen. The TNA won. People have started to realize the truth little by little. Now they understand the reality. They were under terrorist rule for 30 years. They did not see the world during that time. Now they are free to see the world. At future elections government will win all seats.

Q: What do you think about the Channel 4 video and the Darusman Report?

A: The Darusman Report is not a UN Report. It is just a report produced by a group. The reality of the Channel 4 video was exposed by Sri Lanka recently. The government launched a report and a CD on the humanitarian operation. The Darusman Report, Channel 4 video etc claimed that over 40,000 people died during the humanitarian operation. But this is false. The present Jaffna GA was the former Mulaitivu GA. She is the one who knew the exact number of people who lived there. According to her statistics, only 6,000 persons are missing. A large number of people have been kidnapped by the LTTE and put into the battlefield by force. They died while fighting.

Nobody can defeat a force of 20,000 terrorists without any damage. How can anybody save over 350,000 people from a force of over 20,000 terrorists without causing any damage? Now look at Libya. The West wants to eliminate Gaddafi, just one person. But yesterday they killed a large number of civilians. Day-by-day they kill a large number of people. They wanted to eliminate Osama-Bin-Laden, just one person. While doing so they killed hundreds. Nobody talks about these things. Western and European countries can do anything when it comes to eradicating terrorism. Only Sri Lanka cannot do the same thing.

The world recognized the LTTE as a ruthless terrorist organization and over 26 countries banned it. The LTTE massacred civilians, Tamil people, Tamil politicians, world leaders and pregnant mothers. President Mahinda Rajapaksa saved them. Some elements do not want peace in Sri Lanka. They want Sri Lanka to be beset by problems forever.

Q: What is your opinion on the conduct of the so-called `Tamil diaspora’, TNA etc?

A: The `Tamil diaspora’ is comfortably settled down in foreign countries. They have wealth and everything. They never come here. The Eastern Province was liberated four years ago but they never came. Only a few persons came. Others did not come and develop the area. Earlier, they could not come because the LTTE was there to kidnap them and demand ransom. But now they are free to come. They want to be there forever enjoying life! To do that they need to show that there are serious problems in Sri Lanka and that, they can’t come here. They never supported the IDPs. They are only shouting.

The Tamil community living in the North and East has to make their own decision. The Tamil diaspora will never go there or support them. The government is spending a large amount of money through ministries on development of these areas. The TNA is also only talking just like the Tamil diaspora. The TNA and the Tamil diaspora have a very close relationship. It has hardcore LTTErs.

The TNA propaganda is very racist. They cultivate racism in the Tamil community, especially among youngsters. Then they grow as racist adults. All TNA members are living in Colombo and leading luxurious lives in fancy houses. Their children study abroad. If they can live in Colombo why can’t Sinhala people live in the North? The Tamil diaspora has to realize that creating a separate country in Sri Lanka is impossible. Sri Lanka is a small country. Everyone has to live here together in peace and harmony. India or no other country will accept the separatist idea. Only through unity we can develop the country.

Come here, bring your money, technology and knowledge, and develop this country. This is what I have to tell the Tamil diaspora. They criticize stating that all hotels in the East have been built by Sinhalese. This is very unfair because they did not come here to build those hotels. They were there abroad. So there should be somebody to develop the area. That is how the Sinhalese built hotels. We cannot wait 10 or 15 years for the diaspora to come here and develop. All employees in those hotels are Tamils. They respect and practice Tamil culture and traditions. Even now the diaspora can come, get lands and contribute to development.

Q: What is the progress of the resettlement process in the North?

A: The resettlement process is going on very well. Now there are only 9,000 people in Vavuniya welfare villages to be resettled. Hopefully, we will be able to complete the resettlement process in another three months. The process delayed due to landmines. The de-mining process is on going. There are a lot of landmines in areas such as Pudukudirippu and Pudumatalan where the last stages of the humanitarian operation took place. The Sri Lankan Army is assisting the de-mining process. IDPs are being resettled everyday.

We will work with all ministries and supply them with all required infrastructure facilities such as electricity, water, hospitals, schools etc. We supplied electricity to areas such as Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu. The work of the highway has already commenced and the construction work will be completed within two years. Railway lines have been constructed. We are coordinating with ministries, NGOs and INGOs to provide a livelihood for the people. Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa promised to allocate funds for housing from the next budget. Housing is a main requirement for the people in the area.

Some parties like the TNA blame the government. They have to understand that we cannot make changes overnight. It takes some time. There was a 30 year war but things are getting better now. Anybody who visits the North and East can see that. People are freely engaging in agriculture and fishing activities. Tourism is getting better day-by-day in areas such as Passikuda. Over 2,000 youth are already engaged in the tourism industry and making money.

Q: The next Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference will be held in Colombo, in 2012. What are your comments?

A: This is something very beneficial for the country because some unwanted parties such as the Channel 4, certain EU countries etc create unnecessary problems. No war can be ended without bloodshed. People from both sides died. It was not people from one side who died.

This gives us an opportunity to build a close relationship with other countries. This is a very good example for other countries in the world. The Sri Lankan government is ready to talk about the humanitarian operation with any country at any time.

Q: What is your message to the public?

A: Only time can bring changes to everything, including attitudes. No separate state can be created in Sri Lanka. This is a small country where all can live together in peace and harmony. The majority of the Tamil community has already understood this. Only a few persons are yet to realize this. We suffered from 30 years due to war and lost family members, properties and everything. We do not need a similar thing to happen in the future. To avoid this we have to get together and develop the country. We need to change our attitude to do all these things.

Now we have a very strong government and a very good and influential leader who is, President Mahinda Rajapaksa. He likes to speak in Tamil and is learning Tamil. He loves the Tamil people. I am certain that under his leadership we can find a solution to the ethnic problem and develop the country. The President, Minister Basil Rajapaksa and others visit the North regularly to oversee the development of the area. They like to associate with the Tamil people. We have to appreciate that. Likewise, the Tamil people too, need to change their attitude. Now they earn money by selling their products to the people in the South. We have to build a good relationship.


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