Daily News Online

Monday, 15 August 2011






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette


Plight of pre 2006 pensioners

Pensioners or retirees of the public service totals nearly four and a half lakhs. With dependants this number swells to around 20 lakhs. These are all registered voters and could influence the outcome of any election. Any government in power should take due cognizance of these citizens who in their prime have rendered dedicated service in their various disciplines.

It is unfortunate that there exists a glaring disparity in the pensions drawn by those who retired after 2006. In numerical terms it is a staggering difference and increases with grades of service and positions held. This constitutes a gross and grave anomaly and needs to be resolved soon as age and sickness take a heavy toll and the number keeps dwindling every year.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa in his lofty well intended vision Mahinda Chinthanaya has fully recognized and addressed this issue. It sets forth unequivocally, unambiguously and categorically that with every increase of the salaries of public servants pension payments would be relatively increased.

However, there have been two salary increases after 2006 and pensioners who retired prior to 2006 have not received or granted this increased benefit.

This matter should also receive the attention of Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa who views matter of this nature with circumspect and compassion.

Pensioners who retired prior to 2006 have full faith and confidence in the President and are hopeful that the matter will be resolved soon.

Pensioners in this category receive a meagre amount and does not suffice to defray costs of medication, house rent and other obligations.

In the United States and the United Kingdom, pensioners are paid weekly and the minimum amount totals about 45,000 rupees per month in local currency. In the UK those over 65 are provided free travel on public transport. They also receive a rebate on entry to places of public interest. Pensions in the past were paid on a regular basis on the fifth of each month. The irregularity in payments hinders meeting their commitments on a planned basis. Most pensioners unlike today’s public servants did not enjoy the range of facilities available. They served under trying circumstances incongenial areas far removed from their families. During their service period they experienced severe hardships and also faced various repercussions due to uprisings and the LTTE conflict. They remained at their posts under great stress and strain.

It is incumbent of the government to recognize the role these feeble and decrepit senior citizens have played during their public service career genuinely and without blemish. This anomaly should be redressed and this longstanding issue which is a just grievance must be resolved speedily. This will enable these helpless individuals to spend their last days without the burden of financial problems.

Pensioners are grateful for whatever that has been accomplished to ameliorate their conditions and are fully confident that this outstanding issue would be resolved favourably.

Dangled to get a dongle

Recently around 11.45 am I went to purchase a dongle as the mobile company, located at T B Jayah Mawatha. As part of their Avurudhu sales promotion they were offering it at a special price of Rs 2,990. I was given a token and when it came to my turn it was 12.15 pm. I had to produce my ID and the sales assistant told me that my name was not legible and asked me whether he could have my Company ID to prove my identity. As I didn’t have it at that moment, I had to return home to collect my passport.

When I went to this mobile company again with my passport, it was around 2 pm. Once again, I was given a token and requested to take a seat although I explained that there was an issue with my ID. When I said I was not happy with this procedure and that I want to make a complaint, I was directed to the sales manager who was also equally helpless and asked me to go to the outlet located in reputed department store in Town Hall saying that I could just get it, as there will be only few customers.

But I decided to not to go to the department store as suggested by the manager as it would take some more of my time. I took about 45 minutes (in addition to half an hour spent in the morning) to purchase a dongle. When I left the premises, I told the manager that I will write to the papers about the customers being kept for a long time.

he just smiled. Is it, this sort of customer care that the mobile companies offer its clients?

Killing fields of the LTTE

I am writing this letter to enlighten our people of the atrocious killings that took place in Sri Lanka by the LTTE.

It is so pathetic to note that the Channel 4 documentary on Sri Lanka was shown to the world by the British media about the war crimes which were supposed to have done by the Sri Lankan Army during the last stages of war. This video was done to tarnish the image of our country which is now free of terror and violence after a period of 30 years.

As a sister of a commanding officer of the Sri Lanka Navy, we have undergone trauma and terror when our brother was engaged in the war.

Hence I suggest that to the Sri Lankan government to produce our own video exposing the crimes which the LTTE had done during the 30 years of war and present it to the United Nations Human Rights Council and bring justice to our country.


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