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Janet pioneers Lanka’s beauty care industry

Innovation and thinking out of the box could set hallmark in any venture. The pioneering efforts of Janet Balasuriya at a time when hair and beauty industry was not found in Sri Lanka are commendable. She had the courage to venture into a male dominated sector which was not an organized industry when she entered. Many followed her footsteps and today she stands tall among the significant number of hair dressers and beauticians in the country.

Janet Group of Companies Chairperson Janet Balasuriya has become an icon in the beautycare industry where she always strives to impart her knowledge for the benefit of newcomers to the industry.

She was interviewed by Daily News Business.

Excerpts of the interview:

Q. How do you describe your line of business?

A. Janet has become a household name today synonymous with beautycare and beauty products. The business grew with the passion I had to dress well and also make others beautiful. This proves to be a turning point in my life.

I had the passion and an eye for beauty care from my small days. I tried out fashion and beauty tips with my sisters and was able to dress my elder sister on her wedding day. I met Vidya Kanagatungam who was a beautician at a function and was interested in mastering this art.

Children and family members

Janet Balasuriya. Picture by Shan Rupassara

I studied beauty care for two years and by that time Vidya was leaving the country. She handed over her saloon and I continued my passion in a small way. With the passing of time I engaged in cosmetic chemistry and product manufacturing.

I furthered my knowledge by going to England to study hair dressing and beauty culture and also to India for further training.

On my return I started manufacturing my own brand after intense experiment. The factory at Panadura was the production base and from there onwards the venture progressed rapidly.

The products were popular in international markets too and we first launched in Kuwait followed by Dubai and Bombay.

We also ventured into colour cosmetic production. The venture has grown into a group of companies as at today under the names of Janet Ayurvedic (Pvt) Ltd, Janet Aromatique (Pvt) Ltd, Janet Salons and Spa (Pvt) Ltd, Janet Cosmetics (Pvt) Ltd, Janet Academy of Hair and Beauty and Janet Institute of Ayurveda.

Q. How do you mange time to handle your personal life?

A. When my five children were small I dedicated time for them personally attending to their needs. My mother helped me immensely and this gave me the opportunity to improve the business.

I am a greatgrandmother now and happy that I was able to enjoy life to the fullest. I prioritize my work and allocate time accordingly. I have been in the business for the past 50 years and had ensured that balance is maintained between work and personal life.

Q. What motivated you to venture into business?

A. The thirst to engage in beautycare industry took me this long.

As I was fascinated to make others beautiful and wanted to them to have pleasant appearance I took the bold decision to start from scrap. Though it was tough at the initial stages I managed to carve a name for Janet.

Q. What are your goals?

A. My goal is to make the Janet products available all over the world and to become an international brand.

I have provided training for over 4,000 so far and intend to provide training for many as it is the stepping stone for a solid venture.

There are 275 workers involved in the Janet Group of Companies and I ensure their well-being.

Q. How do you face the challenges of competition?

A. As I was the pioneer in the industry I set standards for others to follow. When there were many entrants to the field I consider that as an opportunity to improve. The consumers benefit from the competition and the key to face the challenge of competition is continuous improvement.

Q. What example do you provide others?

Janet with world award winners

A. I brought up my children with all my love and care. They were breast fed and I strongly believe in this builds a close relationship and bond between mother and child. This in no way harms your beauty and it is a misconception. I also promote women to dress well. This gives a message that you too are capable of any task and proper dress sense is a must. It is necessary to maintain your outer look and follow beauty tips.

Q. What is your specialty?

A. The history of beauty care and hair dressing will have my name as a pioneer in the industry. This is not an easy task. My entry into the industry has made it possible for the industry to evolve fast. Women could lead where it matters and along it comes the true potential.

Q. What are your achievements in business?

A. I consider having a close knit family as the most important thing in life. All what I have achieved so far centered around the family well-being. One needs to have a thriving business and a supporting family. This I have achieved to a great extent.

Q. What is your message to society?

A. Womanhood is not a drawback. Have courage to venture into different fields. There is untapped potential in abundance. Identify them and unleash them for the country’s benefit. Provide solid education to your children as education is the gateway for a bright future. They should be brought up to respect values and culture.

Have faith in God and you will never fail.

[email protected]


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