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Thursday, 9 July 2009

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Capital and largest city - Bogota
Official languages - Spanish
Ethnic groups - 58% Mestizo
                        20% White
                        14% Mulatto
                        4% Black
                        3% Zambo
                        1% Amerindian
Demonym - Colombian
Population - April 2009 estimate 44,928,970
Currency - Peso (COP)

Bogota - Capital and the largest city in Colombia

Colombia, officially the Republic of Colombia, is a country in northwestern South America. Colombia is bordered to the East by Venezuela and Brazil to the South by Ecuador and Peru; to the North by the Caribbean Sea; to the northwest by Panama; and to the West by the Pacific Ocean.

Colombia also shares maritime borders with Jamaica, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Colombia is the 26th largest nation in the world and the fourth largest in South America. It has the 29th largest population in the world and the second largest in South America, after Brazil. Colombia has the third largest Spanish-speaking population in the world after Mexico and Spain.

The territory of what is now Colombia was originally inhabited by indigenous nations including the Muisca, Quimbaya and Tairona.

The Spanish arrived in 1499 and initiated a period of conquest and colonization which ultimately led to the creation of the Viceroyalty of New Granada with its capital at Bogota. Independence from Spain was won in 1819.The new nation experimented with federalism as the Granadine Confederation (1858) and then the United States of Colombia (1863), before the Republic of Colombia was finally declared in 1886.

Colombia is a standing middle power with the fourth largest economy in South America. It is ethnically diverse and the interaction between descendants of the original native inhabitants, Spanish colonists, Africans and twentieth-century immigrants from Europe and the Middle East has produced a rich cultural heritage. This has also been influenced by Colombia's varied geography.

The majority of the urban centres are located in the highlands of the Andes mountains, but Colombian territory also encompasses the Amazon rainforest, tropical grassland and both Caribbean and Pacific coastlines. Ecologically, Colombia is one of the world's 18 megadiverse countries.

Courtesy: Wikipedia

Over 6 billion people

The world population is growing rapidly. Since births outnumber deaths, the world's population is expected to reach about 9 billion by the year 2040. World Population Day falls on July 11.

The term world population commonly refers to the total number of living humans on Earth at a given time.

That is including you and me. As of July 3, 2009, the Earth's population is estimated by the United States Census Bureau to be 6.7686 billion. The booming population in the world has caused negative environmental impact and an unbalanced situation.

There were also short term falls at other times due to plague in the mid 17th Century.

The fastest rates of world population growth (above 1.8 percent) were seen briefly during the 1950s then for a longer period during the 1960s and 1970s. According to population projections, world population will continue to grow until around 2050. The 2008 rate of growth has almost halved since its peak of 2.2 percent per year, which was reached in 1963.

World births have levelled off at about 134-million-per-year, since their peak at 163-million in the late 1990s, and are expected to remain constant.

Global population must be controlled and countries like China has successfully implemented the One Child policy.

According to the latest estimates Sri Lanka has a population of about 20 million. Population density of Sri Lanka is 792 per square miles. Bye for now.

Aunt Anji

Hot on their heels

The story so far...

Pramodaka, Nalaka, Champika and Chinthaka go on a trip to the woods with their parents for their school holidays. In the middle of the night the children are awakened by a strange noise. On following their dog, Scooby, Chinthaka is snared by the age old spell of the 'luring stones'.

Pramodaka departs with Ruwi, a pixie, to recall a book of spell to cast off the spell while Nalaka, Champika and the dog remain behind with Sachi, a gnome who updates them on the life of mythical creatures. Shamilka, a friend of the mythical creatures joins in and they begin hunting for Pramodaka and Ruwi as there is no sign of their return.

Just as they were coming to terms with the fact that they were lost, six rabbits scamper along the way. The rabbits take pity upon the children and agree to guide them part of the way. Meanwhile Sulo, the goblin who is always trying to make trouble for the mythical creatures, grabs a basket of goodies from a gnome named Russell and makes off.

Scooby scents her and attacks. Ruwi senses that Russell is in danger but she also gets the strange feeling that there is a mysterious link between Pramodaka. Suddenly a storm breaks out and Pramodaka, Nalaka and Champika are blown away with the wind. As they make their way back to their friends Sulo notices them and comes up with a nasty plan. She rushes off gang up the rest of her pack. There she reveals a secret that could hold the key to all the goblin's troubles...

Pramodaka nearly jumped out his skin. He turned around, his heart beating wildly.

Did the Policemen spot him? He scanned the background trying to catch a glimpse of a figure dressed in dark green attire and bearing a gun.

"It's all right, Sam... It's just a squirrel who had come out to gather a nut fallen from the tree," gasped the voice and he could duck just in the nick of time as footsteps scurried by and two more Police officers ran to their companion's aid.

"We thought you have come across something. Ravi is checking on the other side with Sudam and Marvin. Rukshan and Tilvin are by the stream. Any news from Marlo and Teddy?" asked a rather gruff voice which seemed to have sprung from the other side of the lane.

"None, sir. They are planning to get some divers in. You know... to see if the kids have gone for a swim..."

"Well, what's keeping them?"

"Detective S. Malalasena is not sure of the facts but he believes it is a waste of time. He thinks the kids have headed for the woods," was the reply.

"Huh, he thinks he knows best! Why I have been working in the department for over ten years and if anyone thinks I cannot track down a few naughty kids..."

The voices faded away at last and all was still. Pramodaka gave his brother and sister a worried glance. The Policemen were everywhere! How on earth are they supposed to give them the slip?

"He said some of them are by the stream. Let's keep our distance from that side. We can get back on track once we have put some distance between us and this area," he whispered to Nalaka.

"Better crawl for a while. It's safer," Nalaka whispered back.

Champika made a face. She wasn't enjoying the episode at all.

It took quite a while but finally Pramodaka was able to discard the uncomfortable feeling of being caught.

"Just a few feet more and we can get on our feet," Nalaka muttered as he kicked a sharp stone out of his path. There a squeal from Champika.

"Chee... I nearly squashed this thing," she said, wrinkling her nose in disgust as she studied a snail which was slowly making its way along a wet patch on the ground. Suddenly she gave a gasp of wonder. "Gosh... Look at this!"

To be continued

Penpal corner
Name: Irfana Hameed
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Hobbies: Playing computer games and Badminton
Penpals preferred: Sri Lanka or any other country
Age group: 12 and above
Address: No. 144/1, Dikkumbura Road,
Polgolla, Kandy, Sri Lanka

Flower Garden
Sayuni Thaveesa
1B, Sujatha Vidyalaya, Nugegoda
Peace and Unity
Ishani Rangana Wickremasighe
Grade 9, Sailan International School, Negombo
My Class
Senara Jayandri Kottearachchi
2B, Visakha Vidyalaya
Our Garden
Hesandi Hithara
1EC, Sujatha Vidyalaya, Nugegoda

The Primary Section students of Musaeus College Colombo held a Bakthi Gee recital recently to mark Poson Poya. The event was organized by the Primary Section School Principal and the staff. A nutritious food distribution program was inaugurated at the Madina Central College Primary Section on June 6. Here, students of Grade 1 and 2 are taking their mid-day meal. Teacher-in-charge and the parents of the students were also present. H. A. Shakoor, Pathadumbara Special Correspondent


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