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Management tips in turbulent times:

Overcoming challenges through positive mental attitude

"You are shaped by your thoughts." "You are what you think." Your thoughts are evaluated by whether your attitude is positive or negative. Take a look at yourself. Are you a good manager?

If your answer is "yes", then you are a positive thinker. Healthy? if so, your thoughts are of good health. Wealthy? Your thoughts are always on building your company. Are you dull? Your thinking makes you so.

To accomplish more recruit all the talents you have

Success comes to those who become success conscious. Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious.

Tomas Edison dreamed of a lamp that could be operated by electricity, he began where he stood to put his dream in action, and despite more than ten thousand failures, he stood by that dream until he made it a physical reality." Practical dreamers do not quit."

The Wright brothers dreamt of a machine that would fly in the air. Now one may see evidence all over the world that they dreamt soundly.


Author Napoleon Hill once wrote about the "strangest secret." You are made and unmade by your self." If you think about success, and picture yourself doing your work and enjoying it, then you will be a successful. But if you picture yourself failing, then your mind will lead you towards failure.

If you feel and say "I may not be successful" you may not succeed at all. Telling yourself things in this manner is called "Self-talk." It is the voice in your mind that tells you positive or negative things.

Many people make the mistake of thinking problems are too hard for them to solve. This makes them think they cannot accomplish very much, and they don't try.

The technique is to fill your mind with thoughts, pictures and ideas of achieving your goals, when you are at work, you must tell yourself you can complete the assignment. Tell yourself to focus, pay close attention, and try your best. Tell yourself that you will be successful.

Every day you get opportunities to perform well. If you focus your day on improving your skills, you will naturally move yourself closer to success.

"The potential of the average person is like a huge ocean un-sailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channelled towards some great good."

Through effort, you can discover these unchartered waters that exist in you. Nothing is too hard. Nothing is impossible. Put forth all the effort you can. Your brain is able to perform more than you can imagine.


Pessimists are people who identify the negative aspects of all situations, while optimists are people who identify the positive aspects of all situations.

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty. "This means that the way you think about things has a huge impact on your actions."

With an optimistic outlook you'll see the difficult problem as an opportunity to learn, and your determination will lead to success.

Embrace an optimistic outlook and seek opportunities to work hard and learn new things.

These challenges are true learning opportunities. If a problem is very difficult, most people tend to give up. But only the person who is most persistent will be the successful on to discover the solution. Remain focused on the project or assignment you are working on, and be the one who is persistent even when others have given up.

Albert Einsetin once said, "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." This means that we learn the most from the challenges we face, you won't find many opportunities if you keep avoiding challenges and doing that are remarkably easy for you. Look for challenges that force you to develop your skills and you will find opportunities.

In every person lies the potential for many new beginnings. You can transform yourself by learning new skills, reading books, and making new friends. Every day presents opportunities for you to learn and grow. Remember that in you exists a seed of vast potential for greatness.

Mental energy

When you visualize achieving a goal, that image tells your brain that it is possible. Writing your goals on paper is an excellent way to form a picture of them in your mind.

Then when you write down the steps to make those goals come true, the road to fulfilling them becomes clear.

The next step is to review your goals when you get up in the morning and before you go to sleep at night. Then throughout the day you will think about practising your skills and talking to people who can help you achieve your dreams. This process of writing and reviewing your goals will help you keep in mind all that you have to do to achieve them.

The thoughts you have, throughout the day, have a tremendous impact on the way you feel and on what you accomplish. Therefore, your mental energy should never be wasted by telling "yourself you cannot get things done."

"To accomplish more, redirect all the talents you have. Your mind will be energized.

Your brain will tell itself to keep going, even when things get difficult, because it will know you have been successful in the past. By working smarter and focusing on your talents, your will be even more successful in the future.

Attitude and work environment

* Business competition is very demanding. It moves at a fast pace, budgets are tight, and the work itself can sometime be physically demanding. A positive person makes the work more satisfying and enjoyable for everyone.

* Everyone - employees, associates, supervisors - depends on the positive attitude of others to establish and maintain a team spirit. A positive attitude at all organisational levels and in every location makes everyone's job easier.

Always remember

* Think positively and have confidence in your capabilities, it is essential for your success and happiness.

* Self-confidence gives you the security needed to open your mind to learning and growth.

* You cannot have faith in yourself till you know that you are worthy of your faith.

* Confidence gives you the courage to take risks. Risk - taking is essential for meaningful success.

* Never allow yourself to be locked in mediocre conditioning. Always know that heights have no ceiling and there is always room at the top. Do not let the negative opinions of others keep you down. You know more about yourself than they do.

* Never be afraid of dreaming big. You will only get what you expect.

* Clear your mind of all negative thoughts and concentrate on your achievements. Create positive memory bank.

*Optimism is the essence of all growth and development. To be able to work smartly and work with confidence you need to have hope and expect the best.

* Success comes to those who are not afraid of dreaming big and who know how to work on their dreams with courage and conviction.

* The ability to see the rosy side of everything is a necessary quality of a positive thinker. It gives you satisfaction and leases energy for growth and development.

* Learn to forgive and forget and move on. Never let anger, hate and resentment lock you in their negative hold.

* Positive thinking not only gives you success and happiness, it gives you mental and physical health, a loving family and caring friends, and transforms yourself to greater and grater heights of continuous success.

You have hidden resources. Untapped powers. Vast reserves of talents. The tragedy is that you are not making genuine attempts to tap them. Unearth them. You have to develop positive thinking to unearth such hidden and untapped resources that are in your command.

Your brain becomes magnetized with the dominating thoughts, which you hold in you and your mind, and these magnets will attract to you the forces, the people, the circumstances of life and other powers for you to transform yourself to be a successful player in all your ventures.


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