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Tsunami Focus Point - Tsunami information at One PointMihintalava - The Birthplace of Sri Lankan Buddhist Civilization

Population and poverty

IN the decade since the ICPD, policies shaping international development assistance have changed. The amount of assistance has stagnated at around $60 billion per year, a result of both donor fatigue and economic uncertainty. At the same time, donors have become more critical of how assistance has been used (with blame falling on both donor and recipient governments).

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Act together to eliminate poverty, disease and terrorism

IN my view, there are three evils that plague our world today that can have no place in this modern globalising era of the 21st century. They are poverty, disease and terrorism. Today, these evils affect the social, cultural and economic well-being of a majority of humankind. No country can deal with these threats by themselves. International cooperation is in our self-interest and must be mustered.

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HNB Stockbrokers' weekly market review

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'Sulanga Enu Pinisa' - The Forsaken Land: A rare achievement

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Lorraine Ratnam - sprint queen of Sri Lanka 1957-1964

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