Opening session of World Muslim Congress
The opening session of the World Muslim Congress was held at Hotel
Ramada, Colombo under the patronage of Prime Minister D.M. Jayaratne
recently. The theme of this year’s sessions of the congress was
“Problems faced by the World Muslim Community and Solutions” and
Minister of External Affairs, Professor G.L. Peiris attending its
opening session as the guest of honour addressed the gathering. Prime
Minister D.M. Jayaratne and M.H. Mohommed, Senior Vice President, Sri
Lanka Islamic Institute are also in the picture. Senior Minister A.H.M.
Fowzie, Raja Muhammad Ul-Haq, Secretary General of the World Muslim
Congress and a large number of Muslim religious and political leaders
were also present.
Here Minister Peiris meeting with former President of Sudan. Field
Marshall Abdul Rahaman Sowar Al Dahab. |