Budusarana On-line Edition
Silumina  on-line Edition
Sunday Observer


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Government - Gazette
Mihintalava - The Birthplace of Sri Lankan Buddhist Civilization

Taking Lanka towards development and peace

In The Stockholm Conference the world was taking stock of the industrial civilisation and the enormous environmental havoc it had caused. The Club of Rome had issued its ominous warning on the limits to growth and in the face of these crises the UN under the leadership of the Third World had envisioned a new international economic order.

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Is Sri Lanka ready for federalism?

Although the ceasefire agreement signed between the (UNF) Government and the LTTE in February 2002 is still in force, the peace talks have faltered because the LTTE is demanding far more in terms of regional autonomy than the center is prepared to give in the context of a federal arrangement.

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Deanna School mounts Sleeping Beauty

NCC organises rush and reed wear exhibition

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Henry Jayasena column :Reflections on a death anniversary

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Chanderpaul the lone warrior

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