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Sunday Observer


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Mihintalava - The Birthplace of Sri Lankan Buddhist Civilization

Jeyaraj says Govt. received only Rs. 38m by privatising CWE, not Rs. 680m

The Government has received only Rs. 38 million by privatising the Co operative Wholesale Establishment and not Rs. 680 million as claimed, Minister and Chief Government Whip Jeyaraj Fernandopulle told Parliament yesterday.

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Government does not intend to go to war despite LTTE provocations - Minister Wickramanayaka

The Government has no intention of going back to war despite provocations by the LTTE in blatantly violating provisions in the cesefire agreement. Nor does the government condone the incidents in Trincomalee.

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NCC organises rush and reed wear exhibition

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Henry Jayasena column :Reflections on a death anniversary

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Chanderpaul the lone warrior

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