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Wednesday, 20 June 2012






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Storehouse of cinematic knowledge

Normally we see fireworks at a celebration. But last Monday a different form of fireworks took place at the National Film Corporation. Justin Belegama’s book launch got off to an explosive start with the invitees not being allowed to enter the premises. The security guard bore the brunt of the angry protests and finally the invitees had to walk to the auditorium all the way from the gate. Tempers flared and both media and special guests were greatly inconvenienced.

Dr D B Nihalsinghe and Sumithra Peries lighting candles

Belagamage hands over a copy to Education Minister Bandula Gunawardene

Dr Somarathne Disanayaka, Minister Bandula Gunawardana, Sumithra Peries and Justin Belagamage            Pictures by Wasitha Patabendige

Dr. Somarathna Dissanayake, President of the Sri Lanka Cinema Nirmana Sansadaya, walked on to the stage and addressed the gathering with great concern about the debacle at the gates. He called it as alarming and a cause for concern. “In this world this is the first Cinema Hall where the cinema fraternity cannot enter; where cinemagoers are prohibited to enter; where you cannot bring your vehicles into the premises. The first cinema hall where you have to park your car and walk 1km through an alternative path. This grieves me greatly. This is a betrayal of the media personalities and cinema goers. With my own eyes I saw the media with their cameras and equipment leaving in disgust.”

“They were not the only ones to leave, another section of the crowd left as well. We have to address the question: why did this happen? We could have been told that we are not allowed to have our function here.”

“Then we would have gone somewhere else. But after taking our money, the gates are closed when the guests come. Dr. Lester James Peiris could not come because of an ailment but if he came he would have faced the same predicament as well.”

In spite of the initial hiccups, the function however started. Somarathna Dissanayake first encountered Justin Belegamage as the producer of Jackson Anthony’s movie Aba.

“Aba was a mega script and a mega creation with a huge cost. I first thought of Justin Belegamage as a wealthy mogul.

Then I thought that he maybe a magnate with an interest in the arts because after all not every tycoon is willing to devote themselves to the production of a film. Consequently I saw him in a new light as a businessman with a passion for films.”

In Sri Lanka, Aba has broken the record for the highest expenditure when it comes to producing a film. It is also the film to record the highest revenue in the Sri Lankan film industry.

“Soon it became apparent to me that Justin Belegamage had a flair for cinema with an in depth knowledge of cinema. A man who had an advanced knowledge of cinema and someone who had a rare talent for cinema.”

Belegamage certainly is an authority on cinema with an entire library devoted to it.

When I was invited to come and view his library I was astonished as to how extensive it was. It was a storehouse of knowledge in the cinematic field.

Brief Cinema Encyclopaedia and English-Sinhala Cinema Dictionary, written by Justin Belegamage is a labor of love and tireless effort. An assiduous endeavour. Soon Justin Belegamage took to the podium.

He was like a glitzy actor delighting the crowd with his humor. He wasn’t at all conceited but very self effacing. The crowd appreciated his humor and chuckled from time to time.

“I have been invited to speak for 10 minutes but how can I talk about this undertaking that has taken me one and half years? I have not much to say.

All I can say is thank you and let’s have some refreshments! I am a man who lives lightly. When my wife went to sleep I was working and after she got up in the morning I was still working! I felt that my undertaking was a necessity for the times we live in.



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