Cricket coaches workshop
Mahaweli Systems Corr.
A group of cricket coaches picked from several government schools in
the North and the East participated in a workshop conducted at the
Mahambaram sports ground in Trincomalee recently.
Organized by Sri Lanka Cricket Institute, this workshop was part of a
cricket promotion program designed for the North and East.
The participants of the workshop - 24 male and female coaches from
Batticaloa, Mannar, Trincomalee and Vavuniya were trained during a 3-day
period by Mangala Dharamsena, Dinesh Dissanayaka, J.C. Gamage, Kanikesan
and Heshan de Mel, Cricket Instructors from the Sri Lanka Cricket
Institute. The Cricket Instructor for the North and East Manjula
Karunaratna assisted the institute in organizing this event.