Daily News Online

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

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News: New laws ensure best practices ...        Security: Police arrest kassippu seller at hospital ...       Business: Huge potential to set up manufacturing factories in UAE ...        Sports: Chaminda betters his own record ...






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

THOUGHT for the Day

Healing takes courage and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it.
                                            - Tori Amos


Countering terrorism and healing wounds

The Government’s objectives with regard to IDPs can be encapsulated in the following terms as expressed by the Prime Minister in his address to the UN General Assembly in New York on September 26. He said: “With the defeat of the LTTE in May this year, nearly 290,000 civilians in the Vanni were liberated from the decades - long hold of the LTTE. One of our highest priorities thereafter has been to meet the immediate humanitarian needs of these displaced civilians, and to ensure their long-term safe, voluntary and dignified return to their homes.

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The Morning Inspection - Malinda

Jehan Perera and the agonies of ‘Pamperditis’

I believe that there are things in this world that warrant the registration of strong objection. And I believe there are things which, although arguably irritating, are too trivial to Tear one’s hair over. There is a difference, in other words, between legitimate complain and insufferable whine. There is a time to refer that interesting adage about complaining that one didn’t have shoes until one sees a cripple and then there are times when the reference to the worse-case is not a legitimate response.

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Healer who lit the way for the poor

Prof. Senaka W. Bibile’s 32nd death anniversary was yesterday:

A medical professor “par excellence” Senaka W. Bibile passed away 32 years ago in remote Guyana in the West Indies apparently of a heart attack on September 29, 1977. Other than being a renowned professor of pharmacology, socialist, humanitarian, he was the founder chairman of the State Pharmaceutical Corporation. He was a popular teacher in the faculties of medicine in Colombo and Peradeniya. His affable ways, kind words, subtle ways of explaining the subject endeared himself to the medical students of his day.

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