Short shrift for Sili Sili bags at pharmacies
Nadira Gunatilleke
There are 6,000 private pharmacies in Sri Lanka and they add 25
million Sili Sili bags to the environment every year. One such bag takes
15 years to decay. Healthcare and Nutrition Minister Nimal Siripala De
Silva requested private pharmacy owners to use paper bags as much as
possible to issue drugs to patients, a Healthcare and Nutrition Ministry
spokesman said.
He said Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva met all private pharmacy
owners of the Colombo district and held a special discussion in
connection with the issue and several other issues.
The Minister requested them to use paper bags until the ministry
finds a permanent solution to the problem with the coordination of the
Environmental Ministry.
According to the spokesman, Minister de Silva will meet private
pharmacy owners of all the other districts soon. The ministry found the
problem after studies and raids conducted by the National Drug
Authority. The raids continue all over the country. The authority filed
cases against more than 40 private pharmacies which violated the
National Drug and Cosmetics Control Act Number 28 of 1980.
During raids, the authority had discovered that many private
pharmacies are not suitable at all to operate in the market and sell
drugs to the public. They had outdated drugs and banned drugs withdrawn
from the Sri Lankan market long time ago. |