Industrialists should cater to unmet demand:
Jaffna soon a bustling business centre
Jaffna has the potential to become a bustling business centre in the
country and this could be tapped. As industrialists we need to cater
to this unmet demand, said Chairman, Shipping, Ports and Aviation
Committee of the National Chamber of Commerce Sujeiva Samaraweera.
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LOLC to facilitate renewable energy projects
LOLC signed a participation agreement with the Government to take
part in the Renewable Energy for Rural Economic Development (RERED)
project, a spokesman for the company said.
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Master Divers Chief takes to kitul production
Chairman, Master Divers (Pvt) Ltd Ariyaseela Wickramanayake will
venture into the production of Kitul jaggery slabs at the Pelawatte
factory to save foreign exchange on sugar imports.
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