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Government Gazette

UPFA expresses confidence for NCP, Sabaragamuwa:

PC polls victory assured

COLOMBO: The United People Freedom Alliance (UPFA) yesterday claimed that victory at the forthcoming PC poll was a foregone conclusion as they possessed candidates who knew the ground situation well, unlike the United National Party (UNP) which was resorting to the practice of ‘importing’ candidates.

While noting that the UPFA had finalised its nominations without any snag Transport Minister Dullas Alahapperuma claimed that the main opposition UNP was in total disarray today and was even struggling to find suitable candidates including the Chief Ministerial nominees.

He further said that the UNP had come up with at least six possible candidates for the CM posts so far but was still unable to make a final choice which in itself spoke of the depths the party had fallen to.

Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva airing his views on the occasion where the UPFA steering committee for forthcoming PC elections in Sabaragamuwa and North-Central Provinces came before the media, added that the UPFA had come up with a strong set of candidates from relevant areas who had grassroots appeal. It had never resorted to parachuting people in for the polls.

Unlike the UNP the UPFA had not wavered regarding their choice at any stage the Minister said, adding that all its constituent parties had unanimously agreed on the nominations.

He further added that the UPFA had formed a broader Alliance for the forthcoming elections with new entrants such as the UNP(D) and TMVP too joining the fray with other established groups.

The UPFA think tank which has formulated separate teams to lead the campaign in the four districts said that the response from the general polity of all four districts so far had been very encouraging.

They further claimed that the UPFA campaign which has already begun would be based on very practical, scientific and modern methods and would never resort to petty mudslinging and virulent personal attacks.

According to Minister Alahapperuma the UPFA nomination list includes representatives from a wide array of fields including disabled soldiers and had given nomination to one such candidate which he described as giving voice to a sector which had rendered yeomen service to the Motherland.

According to UPFA they had already finalised candidates and they were set to sign nomination papers yesterday.

They are expected to hand in the nominee list from today onwards.

The accepting of nominations for the forthcoming Sabaragamuwa and North-Central Provinces closes at 12.00 noon on Friday.



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