Construction Chamber to upgrade clay brick making industry
Chamber of Construction Industry has designed an action plan to
address the problems in the clay brick industry.
This includes use of alternate fuel for firing of kilns converting
waste material to in place of firewood that is now used.
Sustainability of the construction sector can be enhanced by changes
in practices of clay brick manufacture and sources of fine ingredients.
Clay bricks are manufactured by micro, small and medium scale
enterprises. The Chamber in association with Ministry Local Government
is now conducting a survey to identify manufacturers of clay bricks in
Sri Lanka to assess their capacities and assist them in upgrading their
technology while creating a greater awareness for use of alternative
forms of energy.
The Chamber has also proposed that clay pits be used for sanitary
land filling where possible.
Alterations to kiln designs must be considered to make them energy
efficient and to use alternative energy sources. Construction industry
tradesmen will have to be retrained in new methods and techniques to
conserve material and improve their productivity which will undoubtedly
mitigate cost inflationary issues.
With affordable housing shortage reaching 650,000 units with in the
next couple of years modernisation of the clay brick manufacturing
industry to produce a standard size brick conforming to Sri Lanka
Standards would undoubtedly be a cost beneficial endeavour.
Clay brick manufacturers being micro and small enterprises, the
chamber will also provide business development services and undertake an
aggressive entrepreneur development programme for these enterprises to
become more formal structures capable of delivering a cost effective
quality product more environmental friendly.