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Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka

Compiled by Sarath MALALASEKERA

Commonwealth Conference discusses strengthening national Human Rights Bodies

Recognising the significant role that national human rights institutions play in promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms, and following the outcome of the conference of national human rights institutions and other human rights related bodies in the Commonwealth such as Ombudsman institutions at the Commonwealth Secretariat, Marlborough House, London, from 26 to 28 February 2007, the Commonwealth Forum of National Human Rights Institutions met at Protea Hotel, Kampala on 19th November 2007 to consider, inter alia, the report of the Steering Committee which was put in place to recommend the modus operandi of the Forum and other matters.

The meeting was officially opened by the Commonwealth Secretary General, the Rt. Hon Don McKinnon. The Uganda’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon Sam Kutesa was also in attendance at the official opening ceremony.

It considered and discussed the report of the Steering Committee which was tasked to determine the Forum’s mandate and objectives, its scope and nature.

The meeting also reviewed the activities of national human rights institutions in the Commonwealth and discussed how such institutions can be strengthened; exchanged experiences of protecting and promoting human rights in the Commonwealth and examined challenges faced by national human rights institutions; provided information on current developments concerning national human rights institutions and encouraged exchange of information among national human rights institutions throughout the Commonwealth.

Delegates also discussed the UN Principles Relating to the Status of National Institutions (Paris Principles) as well as the Commonwealth Best Practices for National Human Rights Institutions.

The meeting brought together commissioners and senior officials from the participating institutions drawn from 26 Commonwealth countries, international partner institutions including the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and UNDP.

Delegates shared experiences and good practices in monitoring, protecting and advocating for human rights including the use of international, regional and national systems and identified constraints and challenges faced by national human rights institutions in the Commonwealth.

The Forum welcomed the establishment of the Commonwealth Forum of National Human Rights Institutions in February 2007 in London as an informal and inclusive body of Commonwealth NHRIs and other national accountability mechanisms having a human rights mandate, the primary purpose of which would be to support the broad objectives of promoting networking, sharing of information, experiences and best practices, encouraging countries to establish Paris Principles-compliant NHRIs, and assisting national institutions to fulfil their mandated activities.

The Forum is also intended to complement and support, and not to duplicate, the activities of ICC, OHCHR, and other existing regional coordinating or accreditation bodies but to serve as a platform for strengthening the capacity of national human rights institutions to protect and promote human rights in the Commonwealth.

In this context, they call on Commonwealth governments and other international and regional partners to support the Forum and the work of its members at national level.

The Forum reaffirmed the need for all national human rights institutions in the Commonwealth to respect and function in conformity with the Paris principles.

The strengthening of co-operation between national institutions in the Commonwealth, and between national institutions and international partners such as the Office of the UN High Commissioners for Human Rights to promote and protect human rights at national level was also affirmed by the Conference.

The Forum noted with appreciation the expression of support by the Office of the UN High Commissioner of Human Rights (and other partner organisations) towards Commonwealth national human rights institutions to assist them to effectively carry out their mandates.

The Forum adopted the report of the Steering Conference and agreed that the main objectives of the Forum will include:

* promoting increased access, dialogue and interaction with Commonwealth Heads of Government especially during their meetings (CHOGM);

* promoting interaction and dialogue among NHRIs, and with regional bodies and members of civil society, at and within other NHRI gatherings and the UN human rights mechanisms;

* allowing for collective expressions of support, encouragement or concern in relation to particular events and developments in individual Commonwealth NHRIs for the better defence and promotion of human rights.

The Forum called for increased recognition of national human rights institutions among Commonwealth Heads of Government and called for more interaction with the Heads at future CHOGM through, among other things, distinct identification of the Forum from the Commonwealth People’s Forum.

The Conference expressed appreciation to the Human Rights Unit of the Commonwealth Secretariat and the Uganda Human Rights Commission for their hospitality and support throughout the course of the meeting.

Justice D. Jayawickrema

Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL) Commissioner Justice D. Jayawickrema attended the first meeting of the Commonwealth Human Rights Force at Kampala, Uganda recently.

HRCSL Commissioner Justice Jayawickrema participated at a Commonwealth National Human Rights Institute meeting held in Kampala, Uganda during his visit to Uganda.

Justice Jayawickrema was also appointed by United Nations Commonwealth Heads of Governments meeting as a delegate, peoples forum from November 23 to 25 at Kampala, Uganda.


United Nations Children’s Day School Talent Competition

October 1 was celebrated as World’s Children’s Day and November 20th is celebrated by the UN family as the day on which UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) was adopted by the General Assembly in 1989.

As a prelude to the Convention it was on 20th November 1959 the Declaration on Rights of the Child was adopted by the General Assembly. Hence 20th November is celebrated worldwide as UN Children’s Day.

Sri Lanka ratified the CRC in 1991 and adopted Children Charter in 1991. But Sri Lanka’s main Children & Young Persons Ordinance was adopted in 1939 even before the UN was founded.

November 20 is celebrated by the LAC Colombo and 41 Regional Centers to emphasize the need to respect and protect the children in Sri Lanka.

This year’s ceremony would be held at the Tower Hall at 3.30 p.m. under the patronage of Mrs. Indrani Sugathadasa, Secretary, Ministry of Women and Child Development. The Guest of Honour would be Dinesh Kanagaratnam, Chief of Party, IDLO Colombo Project Office.

The special feature of this ceremony would be the launching of two research reports on children. One on legal position of tsunami affected children and the second on “Children in Institutional Care.” The first report reveals that over 3,000 tsunami orphans are yet to register with legal custodians.

In order to highlight the talent of the younger generation, eight schools, Thurstan College, Zahira College, Mahanama College, Ananda Balika, Yasodhara Balika and Gothami Balika including the children from CPS Girl’s and Boy’s homes would participate in Children Talent Contest. The winners would receive valuable awards and certificates.

Among the distinguished invitees would be Miss Sarala Kariyawasam of ‘Water’ fame and the students who topped all island academic competitions.

International Human Rights Day - 2007

The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka took steps to organize human rights day programmes at the National level as well as at regions.

National level programme will be held in Ampara; by conducting series of programmes commencing from the 5th December, to 10th December 2007. Commission is expecting more than 750 participants from government and various other sectors to participate in this programme.

Regional programmes arranged by respective Regional coordinators in the Regions are as follows;

Matara - Art competition to the schoolchildren will beheld today.

Jaffna - Essay competition to the schoolchildren. The programme will be held today.

Trincomalee - Awareness programme and cultural show for NGOs, INGOs, public and students on 12.12.2007 at the town of Trincomalee

Kandy - Awareness programme and Art Exhibition will be held on 12.12.2007

Kalmunai - Drawing competition for selected school students

Badulla - Human Rights Seminar and Drama

Anuradhapura - Discussion about responsibility of officers on inaction and to implement good governance. The programme will be held on 27.12.2007.

Human Rights Stall at Kelaniya University

Department of Economics of the Kelaniya University invited Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka to put up a stall for the “Economic Week” Education and Special programmes Division of the HRCSL arranged at stall at the University from 27th to 29th November 2007.

The main purpose was to make aware the University students about human rights and the Commission. Schoolchildren also participated in this programme.


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Ceylinco Banyan Villas

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