


Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Wise use of media freedom

AT a time when national security considerations acquire primacy, the worst that journalists and their managers could do is "rush to print" and treat with a dangerous dismissiveness the need to double-check one's stories for accuracy and truthfulness. "Publish and be damned" is a motto the media could adopt indiscreetly only at the cost of the national interest.

We are drawn to these reflections on learning of the words of caution directed to the local media by IGP Victor Perera. "The media has a great responsibility thrust on it to provide correct information to the public and avoid erroneous reporting", the IGP was quoted as telling the media recently in consideration of numerous items of misleading information being churned out in some sections of the media, which contain disturbing national security implications.

As we see it, there is much more than the anxiety to be "first with the news", in these attempts to foist on the public misleading information. Take, for instance, the case of the missing girl, which was cited by the IGP.

The girl goes missing and when this is reported by her relatives to the authorities, this is pounced on by some sections of the media as a "disappearance", effected by presumably existent shadowy, vigilante groups. No care is taken to follow-up the story and to find out the root causes for the "disappearance".

As it turned out, in this instance, the girl had really eloped with her fiance and had taken abode in faraway Matale. However by the time the latter information came to light the damage was already done. The girl was listed as one who had "disappeared" by the erring and frenetic mediamen in question.

It was another case, for these sections of the media, of the law and order machinery proving weak and incompetent. So, the primary thrust of the story is to argue that the authorities are not doing their job well, besides the seeming, irrepressible urge to be "first with the news". This is the kind of news story those who have an axe to grind with the State would love to publicize.

Things are falling apart, and the State is fast losing control over the local law and order situation: this is the message which is sought to be conveyed by these section of the media and their masters.

However, we need hardly mention that it is the country which suffers as a result of these rash decisions and acts. The law enforcement agencies are projected in a bad light and are shown as incapable of reining-in crime and violence.

Consequently, the law and order situation would crumble because hot heads among the public would not only cast aspersions on public institutions such as the Police, but take the law into their own hands, thereby providing a fillip to further violence and even anarchy.

We are not suggesting that curbs be brought on the media by the State but urge earnestly those possessing the power and reach of the media, to use such assets most wisely. The freedom of expression is an inalienable human right which should be jealously protected and perpetuated by not only the country's media but by the totality of the citizenry.

For, freedom of expression is a core democratic value which forms the bedrock of the great edifice of accountable governance. Human freedom is unthinkable without the freedom of expression from which media freedom flows.

It is in consideration of all this that the freedom of expression needs to be used wisely and sensitively. Such a freedom should not degenerate into the proverbial "freedom of the wild ass". If this happens more evil than good will proceed from media freedom.

Whether it be news or commentary, these unhealthy tendencies are discernible in some sections of the media. The end result could very well be a culture only where falsehoods and calumny reign. It is a situation in which all would lose.

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Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Sri Lanka

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