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Government Gazette

Pioneer in Ruhuna development

History: Ruhuna could be well termed the fertile oasis of our more than two thousand year-old culture and civilisation. Whenever the country fell victim to the foreign yoke it is the bountiful Ruhuna that sent out the ripples of national freedom.

It was also the Ruhuna that injected bellicosity and patriotism to such stalwarts of history as Vijayabahu, the great Dutugemunu and Parakramabahu the Great who marshalled the national forces to liberate the motherland from foreign domination.

Cambodian monks: Buddhist temples, traditionally the centre of education

In modern day Sri Lanka it is President Mahinda Rajapaksa, a true son of Ruhuna who has preserved this Ruhunu heritage and made it a reality.

It was the late Don Davith Rajapaksa, who having held the post of Vidanaratchi Ralahamy of Giruwapattu pioneered the family's involvement in the service to the country.

People used the honourable appellation, 'Maha Ralahamy' whenever they addressed him. Of his two sons, D. A. Rajapaksa and D. M. Rajapaksa the former was born on November 5, 1905. D. A. Rajapaksa who had his primary education at the Weeraketiya Mixed School (presently Rajapaksa Maha Vidyalaya) subsequently joined the then prestigious Richmond College, Galle to pursue his higher education.

Despite the anglicised culture that was rooted in the College, he proudly retained his unsullied rustic identity.

Though he was a king among the kings yet be became a peasant among the peasants when he returned home and mixed up with farmers at the village paddy field.

His elder brother, D.M. Rajapaksa who was popularly acknowledged to be, the "Lion of Ruhuna" represented the Hambantota at the State Council promulgated under the Donoughmore Constitution. On his demise on May 18, 1945, D.A. Rajapaksa succeeded him due to enormous pressure by his fellow voters.

It was no exaggeration that even today many of the villagers of Ruhuna recount how he signed his nomination papers while working in his paddy field!

On August 8, 1945, he was elected unopposed to the State Council, as no opposition candidate was fielded to contest against him. It was surely an epoch-making event which heralded a brighter future to the Ruhuna. Soon he was appointed to the executive committee on Lands and Agriculture, in the State Council, which later turned out to be his springboard to serve the people.

Rajapaksa won the Beliatta seat in the 1947 general election with a clear majority of 8022. His election symbol was the hand which by a curious twist of fate also later symbolized the 1956 political and cultural change.

Subsequently when the late S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike became the Minister of Local Administration and Leader of the House, an everlasting friendship with D.A. Rajapaksa began to take root. They equally shared between themselves the importance of dedicating to the service of the common man and reining the indigenous culture so as to give it the pride of place.

In 1951 when S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike crossed over to the Opposition, it was Rajapaksa who instantly followed him and took a seat on the Opposition along with him. "Not only D.A. followed me. He did in fact work with me check by jowl in my shadow," S.W.R.D. remarked once recounting the past events.

Rajapaksa was one of the stalwarts who closely collaborated with S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike in the formation of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party. He left no stone unturned to give the necessary muscle to the new political organisation.

When the Late S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike was voted to office with an overwhelming majority, Rajapaksa was appointed Deputy Minister of Lands and Agriculture which paved the path for him to serve his people in Ruhuna.

He harnessed himself all the resources at his disposal to revive the ancient glory of Ruhuna, by opening new irrigation schemes and conserving water resources. He never allowed starvation to have its grip on the Ruhuna people.

Chandrika Wewa, Muruthawela tank and development of vast acres of Tangalle paddy fields have become immortal vestiges of his unbridled labour.

In addition, he took the initiative in the restoration of such minor irrigation schemes as Arabakolawewa, Udakiriwewa, Warapitiya and Pallikara. Though agriculture was his forte, he initiated many a programme to extend the citrus plantation to other parts of the country such as Horewela, Walasmulla, Pallekanda, Getamanne, Katuwana, Kirama, Kekiriobada, Warapitiya and Ahalaboda where over 35,000 acres were brought afresh under citrus plantation.

It turned out to be a big boost to the cultivator. Rajapaksa's contribution to the success of the Paddy Lands Act of the 1956 Government was significant. His ancestral properties were made freely available to the tenant farmers.

The Rajapaksa popularity rose to dizzy heights and during the 1960 General Election he won his seat with a thumping majority. Later he held the posts of Deputy Speaker and Deputy Chairman of Committees in Parliament. He took a keen interest in the establishment of the Embilipitiya paper factory.

Meanwhile, such nation-building subjects as health, agriculture and road networks enjoyed priority status in his political agenda.

The great patriot of Ruhuna, and the liberator of the down-trodden masses breathed his last on November 7, 1964

Fortunately his noble mission has fallen upon the shoulders of his beloved children, including President Mahinda Rajapaksa who is at the wheel in steering the country.

(Translated by K. D. M. Kiththampahuwa from Dinamina of November 07)


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Sri Lanka

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