


Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Give peace a chance

Our country with the recent collapse of the fragile ceasefire agreement has once again been taken towards the path of unwanted destruction of war that never brings any sensible and tangible solution to the decade long suffering of the people of Sri Lanka in the face of ethnic strife irrespective of their race and religion. The peaceful means and ways of seeking solution to any problem are always associated with understanding and fathoming the root cause that led the unpleasant situation.

A temporary cessation of hostility based on the balance of military muscle never lasts long as it is always characterised of manifesting itself the way it achieved its goal whenever a trivial misunderstanding and provocation flares up. Therefore it is very much imperative and indispensable in the way of achieving a lasting peace in Sri Lanka depends on understanding the aspirations and the needs of the people who suffered immensely due to the ethnic strife.

The people of Sri Lanka periodically elect Governments to find solutions to their problems that they face day to day financially and politically. Likewise the people especially in the North and East extend their fullest support and cooperation to those who pledge to bring an end to their hardships and sufferings they undergo in the face of the ethnic crisis. All in all, the people of Sri Lanka are in dire need of peace in the country whether they are Sinhalese, Tamil or Muslim.

Therefore it is the responsibility of the Government and the LTTE to respect the feelings of the people and their right for free and peaceful living by giving peace a chance.

It is not too late for us to regenerate ourself to kick off a new modus operandi by changing our attitude and mentality towards understanding the problems of our country rather than resorting to a fratricidal fight to vanquish each other in a destructive and meaningless war.

It will further aggravate the suffering of the people and bring political and economic instability and calamity to the beautiful island of Sri Lanka.

The right thinking and peace loving people of Sri Lanka always prefer a meaningful and amicable way of solving problems by way of discussion and dialogue to a destructive demon of war.

I hope the Government and the LTTE terrorists will work for a new environment to restart the stalled peace process in the best interest of the people of Sri Lanka especially those who are directly affected by the war and for the economical prosperity of our country.

Dr. U. L. Sarafdeen,

A strange practice at BIA

I wish to draw the attention of Chairman, Airport Authority, Sri Lanka about a strange practice at the Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA) that I was subjected to, and which despite all the post 9/11 newly enforced security regulations at Heathrow, US airports, and other international airports, seems to be quite unique to Sri Lanka.

I had gone through Customs and Immigration and had reached the Departure Lounge at the Gate, and was awaiting final boarding announcements for a SriLankan Airways flight. I was seated and in conversation with another passenger when suddenly two officials (they were wearing ID tags, but these were tucked away under their ties so I could not note their names) walked directly up to me and asked for my passport.

As a law-abiding citizen, and wishing to be cooperative, I produced my passport without hesitation, and one of the officials then proceeded to examine it closely, using a binocular microscopic(?) device.

He examined the passport pages and it was possible that they were being photographed. The document (a US passport) was passed back and forth between them, while they even felt over its edges. This went on for a few minutes.

As I was beginning to feel increasingly uncomfortable at this strange procedure, I asked the person loudly and directly, whether he represented SriLankan Airlines and what this was about. He explained that he represented all the Embassies in Sri Lanka and that they were checking passports, and went on to offer a story about another passenger whose passport was suspect, and therefore they wished to make a comparison. By now, all eyes in the Departure Lounge were on me.

I must say, though, that despite my discomfiture, it was preferable to being taken away to some room and being subjected to this scrutiny in private. Being able to make my queries so that others could hear me gave me a sense of security. After going through it minutely, my passport was returned and the officials marched off as quickly as they had come into the Departure Lounge.

On the flight, I happened to sit next to a lady to whom I told my story, and she said that she made regular flights on business, and that the same thing had happened to another UK resident on another SriLankan Airways flight that she had been on.

So, perhaps this has become standard practice at the BIA and perhaps the explanation that my passport was being used for comparison with a suspect passport was true. On the other hand, with the current flourishing business in fake passports, it was also possible that my passport was being photographed for use for a criminal purpose.

The necessary training for officials to identify fake passports could surely be provided without subjecting passengers to this kind of a situation. I write this letter in the hope that this complaint will result in other passengers coming forward as well, so that Sri Lanka continues to be a desirable tourist destination at which people are treated with sensitivity.

USA, via email

Co-Chairs quote Tamil Net on recent targeting of a LTTE camp

As reported in the print media, it appears that the Donor Co-Chairs have just reproduced the information on 'Tamil Net' the LTTE propaganda website in condemning the Government for the air attack on a LTTE training camp in Kadirveli. Following suite of Co-Chairs, Olafsdottir of SLMM has stated "at first sight there does not seem to have been an LTTE training facility there" which means she was not hundred per cent convinced that it was not a training camp.

In contradiction to what the Co-Chairs and the SLMM confirming LTTE's version, the Army spokesperson categorically said that it was a targeted training camp. Suffice to mention here that with the CFA's provision for them to freely manoeuvre throughout the country, the LTTE has opened up many cells and this may be one of those.

I reiterate the fact even when Chencholai was bombed, the Co-Chairs, the SLMM, UNICEF, the Western Media said that it was an orphanage (in the thick jungle) but later on when they found the truth, they maintained absolute silence. It is absolutely necessary that the donor Co-Chairs and the SLMM refrain from issuing irresponsible statement of this nature boosting terrorism at large and also appeasing the LTTE terrorists.

Australia, via email

Respect our sentiments

I am often puzzled and irritated by the fact that a small group of people from co-donor countries are trying to shape the course of the future of Sri Lanka. It is true that our nation is poor compared to those developed nations and our livelihood is severely affected by Western economic and foreign policies.

But, we as a nation have a right to our dignity and to decide what we want to do for our own future. Armed with money the co-donors warn both parties to come to the negotiating table even when the terrorists do not constructively engage in talks but in active terrorism and propaganda of falsehoods.

What can the Government do when the terrorists choose to kill innocents and anyone opposed to their views of separating the country into two? Are the co-donors asking to be quiet when innocent civilians are being attacked around the clock? Can they be silent when their countries are on the brink of terrorist attacks and being separated into two pieces? Do their Governments practise what they preach?

Those countries should respect the sentiments of the common people of Sri Lanka, and should not discriminate because of our inability to effectively cope with the terrorists.

Why cannot the co-donor chairs respect the collective will of the people of Sri Lanka who have democratically elected the Government to do what it seems right to decide on our own affairs?

Losing so-called promised money for our economy may affect only those who are already rich and those foreign NGOs doing business and spreading Christianity in the country.

China, via email

A rare experience

I had the rare experience of receiving a prompt reply from a Government Department, to a letter sent by me recently. I made certain inquiries and sought clarifications from the Department of Pensions regarding the payment of pensions through banks.

To my surprise and delight I received a reply in double quick time under the signature of the Director of Pensions himself. I call it a rare experience and a unique gesture as the other Government Departments of today fail to pay any heed to such letters sent to them even under registered cover.

I have come across certain criticisms levelled against the Department of Pensions in the print media recently. The Director of Pensions has negated all such inane criticisms and proved in this instance, that his Department is prepared and committed to serve the people with dedication and submission.

I wish that the present Director of Pensions Mr. Tillekeratna gain more strength and courage to serve us, the pensioners for many more years to come.

P. A. V. DIAS,

Culture and civilisation

We in Sri Lanka too can be proud of great thinkers. (Reference DN Nov. 6) I once read in encyclopedia brittanica that Shakespeare was influenced by the works of Von Goethe and Vongoethe was influenced in turn by Kalidasa of Sri Lanka.

via email


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Sri Lanka

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