Daily News Online

Wednesday, 30 May 2012






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

THOUGHT for the Day

Love begins by taking care of the closest ones
 -  the ones at home - Mother Teresa


HRC - a butterfly or a caterpillar with lipstick? - Part II:

A drifting away from guiding principles

The conduct of business in the Council has to be guided by the parameters set by these two constructional documents. Even the moving and passage of resolutions have to be authorized by the principles that are found in these documents. Were they adhered to or even taken note of?

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The Human Dimension

Have we earned the right?

I remember visiting a Middle Eastern country some years ago and being taken to see the palace of a Sheikh. From the outside, the massive palace seemed to lack nothing. There were fleets of vehicles, all brand new cars in a massive garage. It seemed the Sheikh and the Sheikha had everything they possibly could need. Their children had access to all that wealth; in short, they didn’t have to earn anything. They were entitled to their parents’ fortune that ensured they and their children and perhaps children’s children could live comfortably for a long long time.

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One ocean - many worlds of life

Walking along the shores of the Down South, it is amazing to see the abundance of life hidden in the rocks and clinging to the shoreline. If one looks long enough, turns enough rocks, and wades in just deep enough, one will be pleasantly surprised at the great marine biodiversity found there. However, our coastal biodiversity is but the tip of the iceberg as far as life that exists on this blue planet.

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