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Ratnayake the best golfer at RCGC

The prestigious Pin Fernando Challenge Trophy sponsored by United Tractor & Equipment Ltd., which is played annually by the members of the Royal Colombo Golf Club provide participants with the tough proposition of first qualifying through a stableford format and then competing in a stroke play event the next day.

This year's event conducted on the 16 and 17 July 2005, by the RCGC produced top quality golf with past cricketers now turned golfers taking the top two slots. Mohan Ratnayake a former winner of the Pin Fernando Trophy proved his mettle once again to edge out Nimal Wettimuny in a count back having tied for first place.

H.C. Noh produced the best net score in the qualifying round and young Mithun - son of the famous Nandesena Perera showed his class with the best gross score in the qualifying round, to take the first days honours.

Priath Fernando, Chairman of United Tractors & Equipment Ltd. (UTE) and son of the late Pin Fernando, commented on the improving standard of golf that is being played today which was witnessed by the high level of the qualifying score of 36 points.

The Pin Fernando Trophy was inaugurated in 1979 the centenary year of the RCGC to honour Pin Fernando, who is still considered the greatest Amateur Golfer that Sri Lanka has produced. Although, Pin moved on to greener courses in 1981, the RCGC now with great support from United Tractors continues to keep the memories of Sri Lanka's Golfing Legend alive.

The family of Pin Fernando has also started a tradition of providing tea and pol sambol sandwiches to all the caddies on the 20th of July, which is the birth anniversary of the late Pin Fernando, as a mark of remembering him and his favourite food.

An additional feature of this year's tournament was that ABC Computers Pvt. Ltd. a strategic partner of UTE kept all participants' memories alive with the use of HP's modern imaging technology to celebrate their appointment as a Premium Business Partner of HP Imaging and Personal Systems Group.



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