Budusarana On-line Edition
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Sunday Observer


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Government - Gazette
Mihintalava - The Birthplace of Sri Lankan Buddhist Civilization

Government does not intend to go to war despite LTTE provocations - Minister Wickramanayaka

The Government has no intention of going back to war despite provocations by the LTTE in blatantly violating provisions in the cesefire agreement. Nor does the government condone the incidents in Trincomalee.

It has focused its attention on attempts made by certain sections to incite Buddhists, said the Minister of Buddha Sasana, Public Security, Law and Order and Deputy Minister of Defence Hon. Ratnasiri Wickramanayaka when he replied a question asked by a Bikkhu at a seminar of Bikkhu Dhamma School Heads held at the premises of the Kurunegala Pradesheeya Sabha office.

Speaking further Minister Wickramanayaka said that it is the hope of all sections of the people that we should proceed towards achieving a lasting peace. At a time when the country has suffered the worst catastrophe due to the tsunami disaster which affected all sections of the community there is no room for war. They should provide relief to the affected people in the North and East in the same manner as in South.

At the same time the Government is taking every possible step to maintain peace. We should ensure that our services personnel who go to serve in North and East do not return home in coffins. However the Government has kept all forces on the alert and is working with a great deal of patience because of its desire to forge peace.

Answering another question from the clergy the Minister said that he had proposed to give ten marks to the Dhamma School certificate in allotting marks for admission for university education. However due to a Supreme Court ruling this could not be done and now they propose to implement the proposal making it applicable to Dhamma School certificates of all religions.

Minister also disclosed that in order to promote the Dhamma School system of all religions he has brought forward a proposal to prohibit holding of private tuition classes on Sundays. The Buddha Sasana Ministry has now launched a programme of providing extra classes for students in subjects like English, Maths, Science etc at Temples so that the children would be attracted towards Temples.

The Minister added that they cannot reform society by strict enforcement of laws only. Public co-operation is also essential. It is the duty of all parents to direct their children to Dhamma Schools in order to put them on the correct path from a young age.

Referring to the damage caused to 194 Buddhist Temples due to the tsunami disaster Minister Wickramanayaka said that it was disappointing to note that no foreign funds were offered to repair any of these temples. However the Government has now found the funds to repair these temples on its own and they expect to complete repairs to these temples by February or March next year.



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