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Mihintalava - The Birthplace of Sri Lankan Buddhist Civilization

Angulimala - 16

Disapamukh’s suspicion takes root in his mind

It is said that once suspicion is aroused in one’s mind, one can always find something to confirm it. As it turned out, this is exactly what happened in the case of Acariya Disapamukh. Despite the wise and learned person he was renowned for, he could not help being a victim of the age old practice of calumny.

Acariya Disapamukh waited for an opportune moment when both his wife and Ahimsaka were engrossed in conversation. He sneaked quietly behind the door and entered stealthily into his house. Both Ahimsaka and his wife were so absorbed chatting that they did not notice nor hear him enter. Unaware of his presence, they naturally failed to get up as was customary.

Acariya Disapamukh was furious that both Ahimsaka and his wife had failed to pay due respect to him when he made his entrance. He was livid that his student had behaved with such insolence. He shouted angrily at him for being ill-mannered and disrespectful towards him.

Ahimsaka had never ever been reprimanded in his life, not to speak of suffering the ignominy of such a severe scolding from his respected acariya. Acariya Dispamukh’s outburst of rage shook him to the core. Deeply shocked and shaken, he stood there silently in a daze with his head hanging down and his eyes gazing towards the floor.

To be continued


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