Four years past the end of the war, what is still the
main opposition party, the United National Party, has come up
with a document that's called the 'draft constitution' that will
be made into law 'when the party comes to power.' Last week in
these spaces the proposed hierarchical structure for governance
mooted in the document, was dealt with. What's proposed of
course is a mishmash. A Council of State governs, and this
Council is what the man on the street would probably call a
fruit-salad of various elements, including those from the
Legislative and Executive branches.
But four years after the end of the war, what's proposed by
the UNP hierarchy with regard to the devolution of power is
startling, and it could be said that if there was previously any
kind of doubt which party would consolidate the war gains -- and
which set of political forces will fritter them away, there is
absolutely no doubt now.
Ranil Wickremesinghe's freshly minted document pays
lip-fealty to the concept of the unitary state. But what is said
later about the mechanics of devolution etc., totally militates
against this idea of a unitary state, and what the people can
expect if these constitutional proposals are ever enacted is a
quick slide into a condition in which the secessionist impulse
will get unprecedented impetus. In other words, if this
constitution is ever made into law, the separate state of Eelam
would be realized without the 'firing of one shot.'
Certainly, in a technical sense the UNP is not willing to go
beyond the unitary concept of the State, and there is no big
surprise there considering that the party would be unwilling to
say goodbye to a large swathe of the Sinhala vote -- to put
things in an understated manner as possible.
But the UNP proposes getting rid of Provincial Governors, and
having the Provincial Chief Ministers in the so called council
of State! This is in addition to creating an 'independent'
judiciary which will in reality be a creation of a
Constitutional Council that will have inputs from all types of
civil society actors and others - just the thing that would
enable the manipulative operators in the diaspora to fill the
Supreme Court with judges that are bound to work towards the
slow death of the Sri Lankan state with judgements favouring the
secessionist impulse.
There is no surprise here. The Ranil Wickremesinghe
'constitution' has to live up to the Ranil Wickremesighe brand.
This brand has been working towards the realizing the
secessionist impulse of multifarious actors that want to see the
Sri Lankan state bifurcated.
It's been the Wickremesinghe method to work towards
separation through various foreign and NGO mooted blueprints,
and the resultant POAs (Plans Of Action). Who can forget that it
was Ranil Wickremesinghe that sanctioned the import of
transmission equipment for the LTTE through the agency of the
Norwegian 'facilitators' during the ceasefire agreement?
It was the Wickremesinghe government that made those blatant
apologies on state television for the murders of army
intelligence and Deep Penetration Unit men during the ceasefire.
At whose behest was this? That is an easy guess.
The new RW constitution is a document that's released in the
same spirit - bamboozle the Sinhalese with a pledge towards the
unitary state, but do all to undermine it because 'our sponsors
say so.'
It's not sensational news that this constitutional document
comes weeks after the UNP organized a series of seminars in
which a German non-governmental organization the Frederic
Naumann Stiftung was exposed as being involved in peddling a
subversive 'anti state' ideology. The facts with regard to the
seminar series are seeping in gradually; by the time the details
are in, it is rumoured, the German NGO and the UNP will be
exposed thoroughly for attempting to subvert the fundamentals of
the Sri Lankan State. But then what is new? This is the RW
brand. No matter which disgruntled soap box orator sings
hosannas for the new constitution, the people already know
'where it is coming from.'