Daily News Online

Tuesday, 22 November 2011






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

President Mahinda Rajapaksa delivering last year’s budget

THOUGHT for the Day

Economy is the method by which we prepare today to afford the improvements of tomorrow - Calvin Coolidge


How the budget proposals are executed

The Minister of Finance is charged with the raising of revenue and collection of other government monies as well as with the general oversight of all the financial operations of government. He (or the Treasury on his behalf) therefore, lays down the broad framework within which departmental financial transactions of all kinds may be undertaken. It is the duty of the Minister of Finance to account to Parliament for all receipts and payments

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BBC/VoA and manipulation of, by and for Sarath Fonseka

I have long had a soft corner for Charles Havilland, the local BBC Correspondent. Indeed, as Marlow said of Lord Jim, have I not stood up for him, when Sri Lankans to whom one white reporter is just like another thought the BBC and Channel 4 were identical? I have argued, quite often recently, that the BBC (though not its rather strange Sinhala Service, with its conglomeration of old fashioned leftists) tries to be objective in its coverage of Sri Lanka, without succumbing to the temptation to stereotype.

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Ranil’s survival games

Since the Local Government elections, the reformist group within the UNP has gone into a shell. The reason for this being that the party under Ranil’s leadership is thought to have retained the Colombo CMC while the provinces, including those headed by the reformists, made a poor show at the LG elections. Thus Ranil and his loyalist have interpreted the results to be a vindication of Ranil’s leadership while the reformists, despite all their rebel rousing, are said to be ‘poor vote getters’.

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Great Guru of 'English With a Smile'

A colossus in the sphere of education in Sri Lanka William Henry Samaranayake created a great legacy through his contributions as an English language educationist in Sri Lanka. Born in 1906 in Narammala, November 22 of this year marks the 105th anniversary of this doyen amongst English educators who began his career at the age of 18 in 1924, entered the Teacher Training College in Gampaha and passed out in 1930 as a trained teacher carrying the prestigious Trained Teacher Bilingual Certificate from the Department of Education.

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