Daily News Online

Monday, 17 January 2011






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Government Gazette

Crime is mind made - Former Ambassador

Crime is mind made, it is the intention that makes the difference. Manifestation of criminal desire into action may result in violence. It can be harmful causing death or injury. Verbal action generated through ill-will would result in offensive remarks, former Ambassador to Myanmar U Mapa said. He was speaking at the AGM of Asia Crime Prevention Foundation in Colombo recently.

Former Ambassador Mapa delivering the keynote address on "Innovative approach to Crime Prevention" said outward manifestations can be checked only if one becomes Mindful of his intentional actions and practice morality. The Gilden Rule which has come down to us from ancient times which is often quoted from the Bible is - do unto others as you would have them do unto you -. This basic tenet is accepted by all religions.

"Needless to say that 'law and order' are integral parts of a civilized society. Therefore it is the responsibility of the State to ensure that an effective criminal justice system is maintained in order to preserve law and order.

"Before we discuss measures to be applied to prevent crime, we need to know the magnitude of the problems. I say this because of a specific reason, about 30 years ago, while I was functioning as an Additional Magistrate of Colombo, I attended a workshop on crime prevention organized by United Nations Asia and Far East Instituted (UNAFI).

We had not heard then about suicide bomb attacks, crimes that have plagued the world today. We had only heard of 'battas' (a hand made explosive device, using the arrack bottle stoppers) occasionally thrown by a criminal, either injuring or killing the targeted person. But with innovative thinking, the 'battas' have now been transformed into hand grenades. The trend is committing sophisticated and organized crime. In addition, we have acts of terrorism by fanatics,"he said.

The Former Ambassador emphasised that this trend is not diminishing. It is increasing.

According to global statistics over the last few decades, crime has skyrocketed.

The UN website on crime prevention says:- "the number of repeat offenders among former prisoners - over 50 percent in many countries - remain discouragingly high."

This situation has arisen despite though measures, such as deterrent punishments, being employed by many countries to prevent crime. Justice CG Weeramantry says - "We live in the nuclear age which we are all doomed to perish unless we make peace the order of the day in the next decade or two.

The great religions of the world which are the universal heritage of all humanity can light the way to a bright new future for ".

"Quoting this eminent jurist CG Weeramantry I venture to suggest that the innovative approach to crime prevention must be spiritual. It is incumbent upon every one of us to guide the younger generation to practice morality. and be a role model for them."


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