Daily News Online

Tuesday, 4 May 2010






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

On your marks

The new ministers and their deputies should get down to work as soon as possible. The list of subjects that come under the purview of each ministry would be known by the time this edition reaches the readers. Hence, there does not seem to be any reason to delay any further starting work in earnest.

One of the most important tasks before the new Cabinet is to ensure a healthy work ethic in all public institutions. Punctuality, attendance and commitment of the employees need improvement. Much time is wasted due to late arrivals and early departures of employees. There is much to be desired in the tempo of work in public institutions. Bureaucratic lethargy and indifference to work are widespread.

Public servants do not treat the public that come to them for their services with respect. They are sent from pillar to post. Sometimes they even frown on the hapless civilians who happen to come to them for help.

In places such as the Customs, Police and the Land Registry it is often said that nothing could be done without undue delay unless some one’ s palm is oiled. This is the public perception. It is up to the public servants themselves to dispel such notions, if they are untrue. Much can be done by installing transparent mechanisms. Perhaps the existing systems are archaic or not fool-proof. Corruption right across the hierarchial order is another malady.

Computerization of procedures at the District Registrars’ offices has had a salutary effect on reducing corruption. Similarly some other departments too have rationalized procedures with the help of computer technology. e-Governance is, thus, a method to minimize wastage and corruption and bring Government closer to the public.

Much depends on senior management of public institutions including Ministries and departments. It is their example that the subordinates follow. If they lack discipline and their integrity is open to question they would not be able to administer their subordinate officers. The newly created Public Administration Reform Ministry should urgently undertake the necessary reforms to overhaul the administrative structures to ensure optimal, quick and people-friendly service to the public.

Emergency served its purpose

The Government yesterday officially announced the relaxing of Emergency regulations. Addressing his maiden news briefing External Affairs Minister Prof. G L Peiris said the country will be reverting to its normal laws now that LTTE terrorism was a thing of the past. He said President Mahinda Rajapaksa had decided to act considerately given the changed circumstances.

The Emergency no doubt came in handy in the elimination of terrorism though in certain instances there is a tendency to abuse Emergency Laws for personal and political reasons. Hence the lingering apprehension of the people on all occasions the country was governed by Emergency.

Although certain clauses of the Emergency laws will be retained to deal with any exigency the public will by and large welcome the relaxing of the Emergency Law which is seen as impinging on basic freedoms.

But there can be no denying that the Emergency served its purpose in the elimination of terrorism from our midst. It greatly facilitated those search operations that were conducted at the height of the terrorist threat that enabled the security authorities to smoke out LTTE cadres on missions of destruction. Prolonged detention of terrorist suspects for ferreting out information could not have been possible but for the Emergency regulations that were in force.

The Emergency Laws were resorted to by all past Governments to deal with extraordinary situations threatening the security and stability of the country. Therefore although these restricted the people’s liberties somewhat it was by and large considered to be a necessary evil at the time the country was in peril.

President Rajapaksa who is to spearhead a massive development drive in post war Sri Lanka has no doubt decided to undertake this task with the gradual dismantling of all legal and physical restrictions and barriers placed on the people and see the country return to its pre war era of peace and tranquillity. The country is already in the process of change and relaxing of the Emergency Regulations is part of this transformation.

The UNP’s volatile urban chauvinists

Amongst the oddest pronouncements on the General Election was the claim of the Opposition Leader that Parliament did not have a mandate from the people. Interestingly enough, this assertion, that ‘Though the Government has a majority they do not have a mandate from the people’ was reported in just one Sunday paper, while the papers that normally highlight opposition rhetoric kept silent about this particular gaffe.

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A one-sport nation is nothing to brag about

Sunday night, May 2, 2010 I went to an amazing place; a gymnasium with all kinds of strange looking gadgets. Now I have been to gymnasiums and have seen exercise machines. I’ve seen television programs where well built men and women with what are taught to believe are ‘perfect bodies’ go on and on about the virtues of such equipment. I haven’t really paid much notice to these things.

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Serb Parliament apologizes for Srebrenica genocide:

Will United Nations too apologize?

On March 31, 2010 the Serbian Parliament apologized for the 1995 genocide of around 9,000 Bosnian Muslims in Srebrenica, after years of denial that it ever occurred. The massacre has been described as the worst war atrocity since World War II. Many described this move not as a change of heart, but as a ruse to join the European Union.

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