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The essence of Medin Full Moon Poya Day

In the annals of the history of Buddhism, many important events relating to the life of the Gautama Buddha took place on the Medin Full Moon Poya Day.

On a Medin Full Moon Poya, after the Buddha's Enlightenment, and seven years after he left the Royal Palace as Prince Siddhartha, He visited His relations in Kimbulwatpura, kingdom of His beloved father King Suddodhana.

Meditation: The thing that keeps your mind and body at ease and releasing you from your stress. ANCL Library pictures

After a lapse of six long years, Gautama Buddha's father, King Suddodhana heard the happy news that his son Prince Siddhartha attained Enlightenment and was preaching His doctrine and philosophy at Rajagahanuwara, Veluwanaramaya. King Suddodhana, longing to see his beloved son, sent an envoy or a diplomat with a retinue of 1000 representatives to invite the Blessed One, Buddha to his Kingdom of Kapilavastupura, now known as Nepal.

However, to the disappointment of King Suddodhana of the Sakya Dynasty, and his relatives, the envoy did not return. He, had entered the Order and did not convey the message. King Suddodhana, never gave up his mission. On nine, successive occasions, the king sent nine courtiers and total number of 9009 delegates were sent to Rajagaha, to cordially invite Buddha to Kimbulwathpura. Contrary to the King's expectations all of them joined the Buddhist Order and never conveyed the message to Buddha and never returned.

At this juncture, Suddodhana finally sent Kaludai playmate of Prince Siddhartha (Blessed One). Kaludai, agreed to take up this "Mission Impossible" provided he would be allowed to enter the Order. He too listening to Dhamma of Buddha, attained "Arahatship". However, unlike other envoys, Kaludai conveyed the message to the Buddha and persuaded Him to visit His aged father Suddodhana, and relatives in Sakya Desaya at Kimbulwathpura.

The rainy season ended. The environment was beautiful, flowers bloomed. The Blessed One accepted the invitation.

The Buddha and a retinue of 20,000 monks covered 60 "yodun" distance and reached the city of Kimbulwath. King Suddodhana, the Royalty, the blue-blooded relatives of Prince Siddhartha, made all arrangements for Buddha, to stay in a resplendent Aramaya constructed at the Park of Nigrada, named Nigrodaramaya.

The Dhamma preaches one of the every age the right path to choose to live a rightful life

The proud and uppish-minded senior sakyans went to receive Buddha, but did not Venerate Him, and advised the junior one's to worship and venerate the Blessed One.

He with his Divine eye, realised what the Sakyans were contemplating. In order to dispel the haughtiness and arrogance of the Sakyans, Buddha performed the Twin or Double Miracle - Yamamahapelahara.

What is Yamamahapelahara?

Buddha used twin miracles only when it was essential. The Enlightened One, possessed the power to cause a stream of fire to issue from one part of the body, and a stream of water from the other part of the body at one and the same time, which is a power to issue such streams together from the eyes and nostrils, which was the result of His miracles.

Father of the Enlightenment One, King Suddodhana, saluted Him, witnessing thy miracle. Then, all the other haughty sakyans paid Him, the respect and worshiped the Buddha. He alighted from the sky, sat on the prepared seat. They all took refuge in the Triple Gem - Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha. Buddha preached the Vessantara Jatakaya to King Suddodhana and his relatives - the Sakyans.

As no one invited Him for dana (lunch), Buddha went from house to house in the streets of Kimbulwathpura with the bowl, in hand, seeking alms together with His disciples.

King Suddodana was very upset, as He was disregarding the royal family. "Remember, Royal families never beg in the street for food" King Suddodhana uttered.

"Oh! Dear King, this is the usual custom that a monk has to follow" Buddha replied.

"Our's is a warrior lineage. You belong to that category. Mahasammatha lineage never go begging. It is an insult to our lineage" stated King Suddodhana.

"Yes, Dear King, You belong to Royal lineage. But, I belong to Buddha lineage" stated the Blessed One.

Later, Buddha addressed his beloved father thus:

"Dhamma chare sucharitam
Na tam duccaritam care
Dhammacari sukham seti
Asmin loke paramita

Live with Dhamma following it well, leave aside evil courses, who dwells in Dhamma will always be happy; in this birth and the next.

King Suddodhana attained "Sowan" - the first of the four paths or stages leading to Nirvana. The king took the bowl from the Buddha took them the disciple Bhikkus to the palace and served them meals - lunch, dana. After the meal, the Blessed One preached Anumevenibana.

"Lead a righteous life, not one that is corrupt; the righteous live happily both in this life and the next."

King Suddodhana, listening to this sermon, attained "Sakuradagami" - Once returner, second stage to the path to attain the Bliss of Nirvana. Queen Maha Prajapathi Gothami - attained "Sowan", the first stage of "Sainthood."

All paid reverence to Buddha except Princess Yasodhara. She remained in her apartment, assuming that Buddha would pay her a visit, if she is sincere, genuine and virtuous. Buddha handed over His bowl to King Suddodhana, accompanied by His two chief disciples, Sariputta and Moggallana, entered the Princess Yasodhara's apartment or the chamber.

It was a very moving scene. Yasodhara, clasped his ankles and placing her head on Buddha's feet, worshiped Him. King Suddodhana highly commended her beautiful daughter-in-law. Buddha cited Sandakiduru Jatakaya to illustrate to show, how much love she had towards Buddha not only in this birth, but also in previous births.

After the demise of King Suddodhana, both Yasodhara and Maha Prajapathi Gothami attained Arahatship.

On the second day of Buddha's visit to Kimbulwathpura, his step brother's Prince Nanda's consecration, of marriage and house-warming ceremonies took place. Due to respect and affection to Buddha, Prince Nanda followed Buddha and ordained himself.

On the seventh day at Kimbulwathpura, Prince Siddhartha's - Buddha's only son, Rahula followed the Blessed One to the temple and he too was ordained. For this King Suddodhana was heart broken.

King Suddodhana requested from Buddha not to ordain, any individual or child, without the permission of the parents or guardians. Buddha agreed to this suggestion and pronounced a rule, not to allow anyone to enter the Order, without the prior permission of parents.

For Sri Lankan Buddhists, Medin Full Moon Poya is particularly also important as it marks the Sri Pada Pilgrimage season.


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