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Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

GSP plus

The European Union Finance Ministers are expected to suspend the GSP plus facility granted to Sri Lanka. The news should not take anyone by surprise as it was expected for some time.

This is one more instance where the West has mixed trade with politics. This is the same wrong policy followed by them in many trade including the Doha Round. Needless to say this is unethical and illogical.

The yardstick they have chosen is an ambiguous and elastic one - human rights. A mere comparison of human rights in various countries would show that Sri Lanka is far ahead of many countries. The majority of members of the European Union are being pushed on to this illogical decision by a minority of powerful nations.

Sri Lanka has never declined to investigate any allegations of human rights whenever they are substantiated by the accusers. It cannot, however, conduct investigations on hearsay.

Also it would not allow any outsiders to conduct investigations in the country. That would amount to an infringement on the country’s sovereignty. In fact, no self-respecting nation would do so.

In the case of the European Union too Sri Lanka had taken note of its concerns. It has indigenous mechanisms to investigate human rights violations. Besides the Human Rights Commission, several Presidential investigations were also conducted on several complaints made.

In any case Sri Lanka has never committed human rights violations of the magnitude of Mai Lai, Abu Ghraib or those in Gaza during the Palestinian intifada.

Obviously, the west has two standards concerning human rights. It is always the developing nations that are victimized using human rights violations, both fictitious and real.

The GSP plus facility was, in any case, a temporary measure. It was granted by the EU in the wake of the disastrous tsunami that struck our shores in December 2004. Therefore, it would have been unrealistic to expect it to continue for ever. Sooner or later it would have ended.

The fact that the end was so near has more to do with politics than with human rights. It is necessary to recall here that the Opposition during the Presidential polls campaign hinted that its victory would ensure the continuation of the facility. Also most decisions regarding the facility were taken by the EU on dates that coincided with important dates in the elections calendar in Sri Lanka. It is too much to expect it to be coincidental. Certainly an attempt was made to influence the vote by threats to annul the facility.

There is no need to panic. Even if the facility is suspended it would come into effect in six months only. During this time Sri Lanka could still engage the EU in a dialogue and attempt to convince a majority of EU members of the improved human rights situation in the country. It is no secret that in conditions of war the tendency of human rights violations taking place could be greater. Now that the war has ended and the proliferation of illicit arms is curbed human rights climate should improve. In fact, it has improved.

Another step that is necessary and possible during the six months left is to find alternative concessionary markets for our garments. This could be negotiated at bilateral level.

The most important task left, however, is to infuse new technology into the garment industry so as to improve its labour productivity. This would be a long standing gain as it would make our goods more competitive in the world market. This would force even the EU to depend on our products.

Finally there should be a package of assistance to the industry to offset the loss caused by the suspension of GSP plus so that the employers could guarantee employment to the workers in the industry. In fact, the Government had it all worked out to give such necessary support to the industry. The fall out, in any case, is not as great as the Opposition tried to portray at the election campaign.

It is a challenge for Sri Lanka. Our economy is no longer weak. It is one of the fastest growing economies in Asia. With correct and prudent economic and fiscal management it would not be a Herculean task to meet this challenge.

Stable Govt for comprehensive development

Human Rights and Disaster Management Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe:

Although there had been speculation from time to time, about various shortcomings, no one has yet shown or proven substantially that there were violations by our Armed Forces. So far, we have answered the speculative allegations concerning war crime charges raised against Sri Lanka by various elements locally and internationally, in a comprehensive and successful manner.

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People’s gratitude and ‘Suba Anagathayak’

The THIRD EYE - Political Perspectives

‘I am fortunate to be the leader of a country of fathers, mothers, and children who know the value of gratitude.’ That is how President Rajapaksa referred to the new mandate he received, during the course of his independent day speech. The question however is: was this statement a courtesy paid by the President to the nation for voting him to power or did the President fervently believe that the people voted him because they were nothing but paragons of gratuitous virtue?

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Presidential Poll result an SLFP victory:

Mobilizing people with innate native values

Mahinda Rajapaksa’s charismatic qualities of leadership reached its Himalayan peak during the course of the campaign and the ordinary rural vote, including the down-trodden in the urban areas, saw him as the sole saviour of the nation, and it was his populist style of leadership with which he reached the rural voter whose attendance at public meetings was at its historic height. His gift of grace, as Max Weber described, was ‘the absolutely personal devotion and personal confidence in heroism or other qualities of individual leadership’.

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