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Government Gazette

Stable Govt for comprehensive development

Human Rights and Disaster Management Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe:

The Daily News interviewed Human Rights and Disaster Management Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe on the recent Presidential Elections and the international support gained by Sri Lanka in the UN, despite certain parties attempting to tarnish the country’s image.

Q: Attempts are being made by Western countries and sections of the Tamil Diaspora to bring war crime charges against Sri Lanka and its Security Forces. What is the Government’s response to these attempts? 

A: Although there had been speculation from time to time, about various shortcomings, no one has yet shown or proven substantially that there were violations by our Armed Forces. So far, we have answered the speculative allegations concerning war crime charges raised against Sri Lanka by various elements locally and internationally, in a comprehensive and successful manner.

Although there were certain groups trying to put us on the mat, a number of countries supported and defended us when those speculations were put forward. They stressed Sri Lanka’s laudable commitment and efforts made despite a number of long challenges.

As an example, a very objective resolution was passed at the special sessions on Sri Lanka at the Human Rights Council on May 26, just seven days after the conflict ended. Twenty-nine of 47 member States voted in favour of this resolution and a clear majority decided by vote not to consider debating the resolution submitted primarily by the Western bloc.

We are very much committed to the international law since Sri Lanka is a democracy that is moving towards further stabilization.

Now, an unnecessary and unexpected situation has arisen with several statements made by Opposition Candidate, Sarath Fonseka during the Presidential election period. So we have to face these challenges to prevent any harm or damage done to the good name of the country. 

I will go to Geneva with Attorney General Mohan Peiris to create an environment favourable to Sri Lanka. Anyhow, the Government will not allow any foreign elements to take our Security Forces before international war crimes tribunals. The Government will also not permit any international investigation within the country as stressed by Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa in his interview with the BBC recently.

Q: Sri Lanka conclusively proved that the Channel 4 video was fake. Yet a UN investigation commissioned by Special Rapporteur Philip Alston has concluded it is genuine. How is the Government handling this matter?

A: Philip Alston did not follow the proper procedure in his investigation. Before, he rushed off to announce his own conclusion, he should have shared the information available with the Sri Lankan Government.

In addition to the Government challenging the authenticity of the video, it has now been found that this was the work of the LTTE, and that the video was originally made in Tamil and later dubbed with Sinhala words, to damage the reputation of the Sri Lankan troops.

The experts’ report that proved it was not an authentic video. The authenticity of the contents of the video is questionable based on technical experts. There should be an opportunity to put forward our own position in this regard. Then it would be an objectively balanced decision.

It is obvious, that he wanted to broadcast his conclusion in the light of the then impending Presidential election. He wanted to send a message to the people of this country, on one hand to prove that Sri Lankan Armed Forces were guilty of killing innocent Tamils and on the other to destabilize the country.

Concerning the experts report, we found that they do not agree categorically that this is an authentic video. The experts had mentioned there are many shortcomings concerning the contents of the video in the absence of any credible material. So how can he categorically come up with the conclusion despite these shortcomings?

I hope to raise this issue once I go to Geneva next month and we must ensure that this kind of allegation is not repeated. Our experts have taken a strong position that this is not an authentic video and we will reiterate our position in this regard.


Q: Many countries and organizations such as the Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International are leveling allegations such as abductions, killings, attacks on media outlets and personnel. What is the Government’s response to these allegations? How is the Government planning to address human rights issues and strengthen human right laws during the President’s second term?

A: Killings, abductions and attacks on media organizations and persons have significantly declined compared to the past. We don’t see a “white van” culture any more. There was a freelance journalist who disappeared the day before the Presidential election.

When we looked at that personality we found that he had been abducted by a white van and then released last year. It is reported that this person was actively supporting General Fonseka. No one knows the true incident yet. But I have spoken to the CID and Police in this regard. We are confident that we will be able to apprehend the culprits responsible for these incidents.

In the recent past, we did not witness any abductions taking place in the North and the East. Therefore, the situation has significantly improved in those areas being free from violence.

Measures have been taken to promote and protect human rights, based on internationally accepted standards during the second term of President Mahinda Rajapaksa. It is a priority for all democratic governments, and we believe it is our primary duty to safeguard human rights of all Sri Lankans.

A positive obligation is cast upon the branches of Government to safeguard those rights which find expression in our national Constitution.

My Ministry has taken the lead role in putting out a national action plan on promotion and protection of human rights. It acknowledges where we are now and proposes a time bound strategy to get us to a better position.

I have appointed a high level committee chaired by experts in all relevant fields expecting to produce the final draft within the next two weeks. I will have a lengthy discussion and consultation with the political parties and the civil society to ensure a comprehensive dialogue on this issue. It is expected to be brought for Cabinet endorsement.

We have fulfilled international obligations through participation in most key human rights instruments and labour conventions, the full implementation of which is also one of our goals. The Government is committed to implement the law within the Constitutional framework thereby protecting rights of the people and ensuring democracy in the country.

Q: IDP rights have also become an area of concern. The Government has resettled most of the IDPs. What is the Government doing to ensure the rights of IDPs and the resettled people?

A: Sri Lanka was commended for preserving democracy and protecting human rights while fighting terrorism. But you have to bear in mind that we have just come out of a nearly 30-year conflict and we need time to bring the entire country into the democratic framework.

We have never said that everything is perfect in Sri Lanka. We do have problems and we are in the process of addressing them. We are committed to tackling these issues in a methodical and systematic manner.

Once the action plan is implemented, the rights of the people including Internally Displaced People will definitely be protected. Now the main focus is to resettle the people allowing them to enjoy their freedom and ensuring the resumption of their livelihood. Then they can enjoy equal rights guaranteed by the Government.

Q: What were the factors that led to the President’s victory?

A: People hailed President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s steadfast commitment to democracy, and socio-economic achievements inspite of having to wage a 25-year-old armed struggle to uphold the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country.

They were grateful to him for eradicating terrorism which no previous leader accomplished in the history of the country. While giving political leadership to defeat LTTE terrorism, the President gave priority to develop the country within a short period of three and a half years.

Therefore the people of this country reposed their trust in the President who eradicated terrorism while ensuring greater development and economic growth. The President’s manifesto was accepted by returning an unprecedented mandate having faith in the realistic proposals embodied in it. The President achieved a landslide victory compared to the common candidate Fonseka who just won the North and the East due to the support of several political parties who were around him.

The people also expressed their satisfaction with the Government’s development strategies while facing international forces and brutal terrorism without fear. Millions and billions had already been spent for the development of the country especially in the North and the East including resettlement and reconstruction for the betterment of IDPs. We are determined to carry on with this hard work for future prosperity.

Q: Will the Government receive an even bigger mandate at the General Election?

A: Definitely. We want a stable and strong Government to lead the country towards comprehensive development irrespective of party politics. We need a more representative Constitution, which will cater to the needs of Sri Lankans. We are seeking a two-thirds majority in Parliament to effect reforms to the Constitution.

I have no doubt, that the people will give us an absolute mandate at the forthcoming general election as the public has confidence in the Government to carry forward the socio-economic development programs which have already started. We are committed to implement the promises spelt out in the Mahinda Chinthana to make Sri Lanka a development hub in the world and to ensure higher living standards for the people.



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