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Wednesday, 23 September 2009

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Excavating life with 'Malena'

To be born beautiful is wonderful! But beauty sometimes ruins the happiness and drags you into some tough times. Beauty is not something that is always highly appreciated; it is also cynically envied as well. But still 'A thing of beauty is a joy forever'. So is Italian director Giuseppe Tornatore's 'Malena'.

Screened in 2001, 'Malena' raised a lot of eyebrows all over the world for its explicit sexual content. It went under the throne several times as some countries banned it and a lot others cut it heavily. These steps made 'Malena' a controversial one and it became a subject of constant discussion. Meanwhile, it got nominated for the award of Best Foreign Language Film in Golden Globe Awards.

Obsession with love

The day Italy entered World War II also becomes a memorable day for Renato Amoroso, a 13 year old youngster as his eyes catch Malena Scordia for the first time. Malena is a very beautiful young woman married to Nino Scordia who has gone abroad to serve Italy in the war. Almost at his first glance at her, Renato develops an infatuation with her. Thereafter he stalks after Malena whenever he can and makes a point to pass her, almost breathing her aura. He gets so obsessed with her that he dreams of her every time in spite of his father's constant beatings, and even fantasizes her.

Because of her enchanting figure and preoccupied quietness, Malena soon gets herself exposed to sharp tongues of women and lustful eyes of men. Rumours about her fly all over the town although she keeps her chastity.

In the middle of one of his voyeuristic acts, Renato watches Malena embraces her wedding photograph and dances quietly in her house. From then, his notion of Malena transforms and he develops a great respect for her. He desperately tries to get old enough to safeguard her. His struggle to achieve physical maturity is clearly shown as he changes his short pants into trousers.

Further disaster

News arrives that Malena's husband was killed in war. Malena quietly bears up the loss and it gives wings to the rumours of her. Her father dies next as a result of an enemy attack. Malena is left to fend for herself. She is also brought before the court accused for committing adultery, but gets proved guiltless. Then shop women refuse to sell her edibles and this helplessness only leaves Malena to give away herself to prostitution to get food. Renato was deeply hurt for her plight, but his inhibition as a teenager deprives him of professing his love to her. USA troupes enter Italy and save people from the iron hand of Fascism. Women strip off Malena, humiliate, beat and cut her hair in public. Renato witnesses everything in anguish and watches her move to Menissa by train.

Nino Scordia, who was reported dead in the battle, returns to the town in search of Malena, injured. Renato ensures him of her fidelity and directs him to find her. Some years pass and now Renato is engaged to a young girl. Suddenly taking everyone by surprise, Malena returns with her husband, much to the delight of Renato and to the amazement of the townspeople. The film ends in an ambivalent optimism as Malena is treated respectfully by women. The heartbreaking final scene enables Renato to help and convey good wishes to Malena as she drops her tomatoes after shopping. After some years, Renato recalls the everlasting emotional impact Malena's mettle had on him even though he has fallen in love several times with many girls.

All's well that ends well

'Malena' is a majestic portrait of a woman's devotion, courage, pain and emotional trauma which is unspoken throughout the film.

Malena is at last well-rewarded by winning the love she has lost and the respect she has never got. The movie portrays the potentialities and unsurpassed human strengths of people living under very difficult war-torn periods. 'Malena' would act as a blessing to people who suffer numerous hardships and would lift them to face life.

'Malena' will surely be a new inspiration to the Sri Lankan film fan. It is a not only a piece of towering artistry, but also an intimate and evocative embodiment of love, sensuality, courage, devotion and memories we cherish throughout our lives. A delicious Italian feast waiting for both your brain and soul!


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