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Government Gazette

New episode in Obama phenomenon

Another episode of the Obama phenomenon will unravel from today onwards.

Barack Hussein Obama will be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States today in a solemn colourful ceremony which is expected to eclipse all previous swearing ins of US Presidents both on account of its glamour and political significance.

Obama won the Presidential race under a single theme-Change, and Change it was. Barack Hussein Obama - the very name signifies change.

Nobody thought that an African American with roots elsewhere on the globe could become the President of the United States.

U.S. President-elect Barack Obama waves to the crowd in front of the Lincoln Memorial during the ‘We Are One: The Obama Inaugural Celebration At The Lincoln Memorial’ on January 18, AFP


For Obama this is the best of times and the worst of times. It is the best of times since he has been able to unite the entire American nation behind him and the worst of times since he has to face the worst recession the world faced since the Great Depression of the late 1920s and early 1930s.

It is the best of times since the entire world without exception is pleasantly disposed towards him and the worst of times since he inherits a world where the United States popularity has reached its nadir.

It is the best of times since the America people have awaken from their slumber and are playing a dynamic pro-active role in national affairs and the worst of times since he is also a prisoner of the Wall Street-Pentagon combine that virtually decides the policy for any President of the United States.


Expectations are so high that no quick fix is possible. Problems are so immense, acute and complex that they seem beyond human comprehension and intelligence.

The new President’s first and major priority will be the economy. He has promised a US $ 825 billion economic stimulus package in addition to the financial sector bailout package of the previous dispensation. The million dollar question is whether he would be able to bailout both Wall Street and Main Street at the same time.

While the immediate attention of the new President will be focused on the domestic scene the developments in Gaza, South Asia and elsewhere compel him to devote his energies on the foreign policy front too.

The immense complexity of the domestic scene could be judged by the following legacy bequeathed by President George W Bush: “During the eight years of the second President Bush , the unemployment rate went from 4.2 per cent to 7.2 per cent and climbing; consumer confidence dropped to an all-time low; a budget surplus of two hundred billion dollars became a deficit of that plus a trillion; more than a million families fell into poverty; the ranks of those without health insurance rose by 6 million; and the fruits of nation’s economic growth went almost entirely to the rich, while family incomes in the middle and below declined.” (The New Yorker)

Promise of Change

Obama has come thus far with the promise of Change. Now is the time to deliver.

On the foreign front too he is facing daunting challenges. .he has two wars, one in Iraq unwanted in his opinion and one in Afghanistan which he wants to pursue vigorously.

The threat of another war looms large in the Middle East. There are also conceived threats of Iran acquiring nuclear weapon capabilities and the imbroglio in North Korea.

Besides he will have to address the continuing estrangement of US relations in Latin America which is chartering a new and independent path of development.

The US is getting more and more isolated in the Western hemisphere. Latin American and Caribbean nations recently held a Conference sans the United States, first time in history. Obama has, however, vowed to end US isolationism.

“America cannot meet the threats of this century alone, and the world cannot meet them without America. We can neither retreat from the world nor try to bully it into submission. We must lead the world, by deed and by example...

“I intend to rebuild the alliances, partnerships, and institutions necessary to confront common threats and enhance common security.

Needed reform of these alliances and institutions will not come by bullying other countries to ratify changes we hatch in isolation.

It will come when we convince other governments and peoples that they, too, have a stake in effective partnership,” he wrote in the Foreign Affairs Magazine.

He is also seeking a working relationship with Russia, China, Brazil, South Africa and other members of the newly developing regional powers.

On the threat of nuclear proliferation he wrote in the same journal thus: “As president, I will work with other nations to secure, destroy, and stop the spread of these weapons in order to dramatically reduce the nuclear dangers for our nation and the world.

America must lead a global effort to secure all nuclear weapons and material at vulnerable sites within four years — the most effective way to prevent terrorists from acquiring a bomb.’

For the first time Obama has promised to cooperate with other nations to address climate change. Simultaneously he will be introducing a policy of depending less on fossil fuels and investing in technology development to harness alternative sources of energy.


Fine words but it is deeds that matter. We hope President Obama would have the courage, independence and wisdom to charter the United States from the senseless confrontation course on which President George W. Bush steered it for eight long years, for too much power has been vested in him and the conservative forces that steered that course are still powerful and some have even found places in his Cabinet too.

We wish him good luck.


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