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DateLine Tuesday, 20 January 2009

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Kilinochchi victory

It is indeed a great and a relieved feeling that gets to you, seeing a country like Sri Lanka with its limited resources defeating terrorism. Regaining Kilinochchi after so many years is definitely a reason to celebrate knowing the fact that much stronger countries have yet to prove.

A tribute to the Army Commander and his brave officers and soldiers. People of Sri Lanka recognize and congratulate the Commanders of the Navy, Air Force and their personnel for a job well done. The Police, the IGP and all others who have been engaged in operations and security are also the saviours of this nation.

For what the country has been going through for over 25 years, obviously people who looked forward for peace, prosperity and sovereignty are overwhelmed lighting crackers, dancing on the streets to the tune of ‘papara bands’, enjoying the victorious moments. I would not blame them.

However, I understand all Sri Lankans are more intelligent than that. Our behaviour should not be on par with that of a celebration winning a cricket match, as the sensitivity of the issue concerned is much greater than that.

In my view, this is a victory of all communities and we should all dedicate this victory more to our brethren of the Vanni, as they are the ones who have been affected the most by this bloody war, for the past 25 years or more, immaterial of religion or ethnicity, innocent children are born to this world with no malice, vindictiveness, hatred or agendas.

As they grow, they are driven in different directions influenced by society. Such children who have been born in the Vanni would not have seen or experienced the world as the children living in other parts of the country.

We have to accept the fact that they are the most affected lot, of course, due to war and terrorism. Some of them have been obviously either forcibly or misleadingly bundled into the terrorist groups.

s human beings, the feeling of defeat is something that can shatter anyone. In my view, a large majority of the Tamil community is now not for Prabakaran and his terrorism.

However, although not expressed, there may be a quite a few of them who would still feel sorry for their brethren who got killed during the war. Could be due to family ties, friendships or relationships but the very same Tamilians may not endorse terrorism. Like all religions say, it is important to respect one another, extend loving kindness and win friends.

I guess one should accept the hoisting of the National flag, sending messages of appreciation through the electronic and print media and engaging in religious ceremonies evoking blessings on the Forces and the President for taking up the challenge of defeating terrorism in spite of large-scale international and local pressure.

The President’s brother, the Secretary of Defence must be praised for his vision, commitment and strategic planning that boosted the morale of the Forces. The genuine desire, dedication and the commitment to look after wounded soldiers and comforting their kith and kin is highly commendable and that has paid back the country in the longer term.

I was moved listening to the President addressing the Nation after the recapture of Kilinochchi. He expressed “this is not the victory of one ethnic group over another, but a victory of all communities against terrorism”. He further extended solidarity assuring the Tamil people of the North, East and the Vanni, not only to look into their needs as the President of Sri Lanka, but also to pave the way for a better tomorrow for the children and generations to come.

Taking a cue from what the President said, I think this can be the beginning of a long-term program. Perhaps defeating terrorism may be the first stage of its journey. If so, we as citizens of Sri Lanka, have a much bigger role to play in the future, bringing all communities together with responsible behaviour than just partying on streets.

We should all be appreciative and celebrate the victory of Kilinochchi and even the victories to come in the near future in a very peaceful and humble manner, without expressing chauvinism or superiority. Our behaviour in victorious celebrations should not in anyway disturb the minds of Tamil brethren. This would be the key to peace, prosperity and sovereignty. Time has come for all communities to care and respect each other’s feelings.

We have fought and suffered enough, let’s think equal, put the country forward “together we will make it” for sure. It is on that day that all of us irrespective of caste, creed or religion, together should party on the streets.

Close down taverns

It will be a righteous action of the Government to close down all taverns by introducing legislation in Parliament to ban drinking alcohol in the country.

All religions prohibit drinking alcohol of all varieties. Then, why can’t the State ban that irreligious practice? Buddhists, Christians, Hindus and Muslims will appreciate the Government’s legal action against drinking.

If this drinking habit is legally banned, a drastic change will take place in social activities among the people.

The drunkards who disturb the tranquillity of social movements will be legally nabbed and punished for their anti-religious practices in the Courts of law.

Religious leaders who persuade the boozers from touching liquor will find it difficult to stop this bad practice at once. Religious leaders who are legally reinforced by Courts will be able to curb the drinking habits.

May the religions closely linked in the legal authority put an end to the functioning of taverns and boozing clubs.

The many faces of Buddhism

This is a brief report of the 3rd Bi-annual International Conference on Buddhist Studies, conducted by the Buddha Shravaka Bhiksu University (December 8-10) and the Sri Lanka Association of Buddhist Studies (SLABS) in Anuradhapura.

The conference began in the traditional manner to be followed by the first item, a keynote speech by Prof. D. J. Kalupahana of the University of Hawaii. The lecture was titled ‘A case for non-theism, a perspective from the Buddha.’

His talk dealt with the creator concept beginning in the idea of permanence (Sammuta-ditthi) and annihilationist (Uchedda-ditthi), which was present in Bharatha at the time of the Buddha, its equivalence in Western thought led to materialism and idealism. He briefly describes the middle way, finally followed by Siddhartha which led to his final enlightenment.

Kalupahana makes an interesting connection between faith sans reason and faith based on reason (akaravati saddha). He finally states thus, ‘All the above evidence seems to contribute to the view that the Buddha’s doctrine is neither a form of theism nor of atheism’. An intriguing thought on the middle way.

There were many valuable papers presented during the proceeding two and a half days, a selection of the themes raised is all I can present here. Since there were experts in Mahayana, Vajjrayana and Theravada, the question was raised as to whether Buddhism could be ever dogmatic, that is, whether developments in Buddhism stopped with the Buddha and as such whether latter development could legitimately follow the Parinibbana of the Buddha.

There were interesting sections on the Vinnaya (ethics), Environment, Soteriology and Buddhist approach to counseling and psychotherapy.

Organisations and events at this conference were done by SLABS and should be attributed to Prof. Premasiri - President and Prof. Asanga Tillekeratne and Dr. Somarathne who were Joint Secretaries of SLABS. We need to thank them for their excellent work. I did observe them working till late into the night, looking after our needs and dealing with organisational matters at the conference.

There were many other events such as planting of trees, photographs and processions which added colour to the conference. Certificates were handed to all those who presented papers. The organisation of the conference was a complex event, which was made to look simple to the participants. Participants came from India, Burma, Thailand, China and as far away as Vietnam. This made the conference truly international.

We stayed at the Miridiya Lodge and the Ashok Hotel, overlooking the Miridiya Lake which has an ancient heritage, the tranquillity of the surroundings is what I remember.

Teacher Unions shedding crocodile tears

For bungling the Mathematics paper II, those officers who are directly responsible for it should be definitely punished. If they are ‘unidentifiable’, the Examination Chief should immediately resign taking responsibility for the unforgivable callous blunder.

The Teachers’ Unions who launched strikes refusing to teach the very students for whom they shed crocodile tears today and refrained from marking answer scripts are crying in anger to cover their own deplorable acts. They never thought of the students when they were totally moved by their selfish demand for higher wages, promotions and elimination of anomalies.

Lastly, it serves no purpose to keep on blaming each other as the students should not be allowed to suffer any more. Suitable steps should be taken early to remedy the mistake. For example, they could mark the rest of the paper ignoring the two faulty questions and average the aggregate at per cent. Under normal circumstances 40-50 per cent of the students fail in the maths papers; therefore, that is best possible solution instead of holding a fresh examination.


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