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Government Gazette

No Riot Police in future for Bhikkus’ protests

BERUWALA: President Mahinda Rajapaksa has directed the IGP to refrain from deploying ‘Anti- Riot Squads’ in protests and demonstrations involving the Maha Sangha, university students and students in future.

President Rajapaksa disclosed this when he addressed the inauguration ceremony of the renovated and modernised Beruwala Fisheries Harbour devastated by the tsunami.

The new-look and sophisticated Beruwala Fisheries Harbour will now serve the country in its development drive, the Beruwala fishing community in particular, with a mooring yard, a vessel repairing centre and a fishing facilitating center among others.

This project comes under the Thotupola Aruna programme, which envisages to construct 100 Anchorages along the Sri Lankan coastal belt, by the Ceylon Fisheries Harbours Corporation (CFHC), as envisioned in the Mahinda Chintanaya. The project is funded by the Government of the People’s Republic of China.

Addressing a large gathering at the ceremony, the President observed that he was greatly perturbed by the recent events that took place at a protest involving the Sangha.

He was of the view that ‘Anti- Riot Squads’ should only be used on grave and imminent danger situations and conditions where there were specific ‘riots’ in its true sense and the deployment of ‘riot squads’ was the only remedy and course of action available.

Nonetheless, he categorically pointed out that those with vested interests and ulterior motives, were prone to use students as ransom and pawns to accomplish their personal goals and urged such parties to refrain from such dastardly practices.

“I also urge such disputing students or other factions, not to resort to such actions, when their grievances and demands could be addressed and solved easily via dialogue, negotiations and consensus. I assume there could be no problem which could not be resolved by negotiation,” he noted.

You should also be prudent and analytical, to understand the reality and make your own assessment prior to taking your own decisions, the President said.

President Rajapaksa further pointed out that in an era his Government was emerging victorious defeating the LTTE systematically in all spheres, certain groups are campaigning against his Government, the country and its people by making slanderous and unfounded allegations and statements, pertaining to Human Rights (HR) violations, to tarnish the good image of his Government both locally and internationally.

“Our Armed Forces have now captured the main ‘54 Base’ in Mannar and also Periyamadu,” he said and when we are marching forward triumphantly and not prepared to turn back, some reactionary forces who are unable to digest the spree of victories achieved by our gallant Armed Forces, deliberately, maliciously are striving their level best to stifle this process, by calling for Ceasefire Agreements.

He said that by these actions they were only playing into the hands of the terrorists who are pre-occupied with the concept of de-stabilising the South of the country with possible communal violence and the like. “This course of action would only consolidate the LTTE in the process. We should learn by our past mistakes,” he added.

He reiterated that his Government acts well above and beyond the standards and accepted norms of HR in the whole world.

“We are even going beyond humanitarianism. Where in the world does a Government which is confronted with the most ruthless terrorist outfit in the planet earth, provides foods and medicines, while fighting them? We are even willing and prepared to purchase the produce of the terrorists,” he said.

President Rajapaksa reminisced that his Government has consistently inaugurated mega development projects and consolidated the Government service while simultaneously fighting to eradicate terrorism.

“I fully understand and feel the pulse of the people in fighting the ‘Kitchen War’. However, this matter which is entwined with global factors, is somewhat out of our control. We will strive to do our best in solving it,” President Rajapaksa added.

Ministers Rohitha Abeygoonawardena, Felix Perera, CFHC Chairman Asanka Abeygoonasekera and religious dignitaries of all faiths also expressed their sentiments at the ceremony. Acting Chinese Ambassador Ji Jan U also sopke.


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