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DateLine Friday, 6 June 2008

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Government Gazette

Dr N.M. Perera a colossus among leaders

Dr. N.M. Perera's 103rd birth anniversary falls on June 6, I pen these few lines to pay my humble tribute to this great national leader and a fine human being.

At that time, I was a member of the Nondescripts Cricket Club (NCC). Whenever the time permits, I play a game of tennis in the evening at the NCC courts. Dr. N.M. Perera was a regular tennis playing member. He very often plays a set of singles with the NCC Tennis Coach, Benjamin Leonidas.

Dr. N.M. Perera was a versatile sportsman. He was a cricketer as well as a tennis player. He was a fine human being.

On few occasions, I had the rare honour and good fortune to play a game with this great leader, Dr. N.M. Perera.

It was the belief of the majority of the educated class that, N.M., Colvin, Bernard, Pieter, Dr. S.A. Wickramasinghe and Philip, learned leftists should invariably be in Parliament. To put it in a nutshell, the Parliament sans Dr. N.M. Perera, was like Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark.

The result of Yatiyantota Electorate was announced at about 2.00 p.m on election day. On this day, as I went for a game of tennis, I could not believe my own eyes, when I saw Dr. N.M. Perera, calm and collected, playing tennis with his buddy Leonidas.

What a great sorrow and shock would assail a candidate who had suddenly lost the seat, who represented for more than 40 long years. But, this Great Man was generally playing a game of tennis, as if he was not affected.

I said "Sir, I am sorry about your defeat. I am sure many people in this country are sadden by your defeat."

"Premasara, you must always respect the wish of the people. That is true democracy. We must learn to take both victory and defeat.

This I learned in the playing field. I captained Ananda College in 1925 and lost the 'Big Match' against Nalanda, which was led by my good friend B.S. Perera. Today, I lost to another Perera - Vincent," N.M. replied smilingly.

N.M. Perera was born on June 6, 1906 and had his early education at S. Thomas' College, Mt. Lavinia, under Warden Stone. Later, he joined Ananda College during the period of P. De S. Kularatne.

N.M. as a bright all-round student entered the University College which became the University of Ceylon in 1944.

He was a man of many talents. At that time, my father was an employee of the University College. My father told me that N.M. was adapt at both cricket and arts, especially Sinhala drama. He played the lead role in the Sinhala play Nagarayen Kethata, which was produced by Dr. Gunapala Malalasekara, written by Dr. O.H. De S. Wijesekera. N.M's role in the play was written by my father.

N. M. had a very charming and pleasant personality even at that time, stated my father. After obtaining an Honours Degree in Economies, he served the University College as a lecturer and later proceeded to England for his Doctorate.

He obtained two doctorates DSC and PhD - which was a rare achievement. During this period, he studied Marxism and together with some outstanding Asian students, particularly from India, he became a freedom fighter against British Imperialism.

His 'Guru' Harold Laski once stated "Out of my students, NM was outstanding and brilliant. If he was born in England, he may have been the Finance Minister and even Prime Minister in the Labour Government."

After returning to Sri Lanka, as a Marxist Politician, in 1935, he formed the Lanka Samasamaja Party (LSSP). He led the people against the imperialists and capitalist oppression. As a result, he and his comrades - Colvin, Philip, Leslie, Edmund, Viviane were all imprisoned.

The escape of N. M., Colvin, Edmund, Viviane, Philip and company from Prison was like a Alfred Hitchcock thriller. The man behind their escape was none other than Robert Gunawardana, younger brother of Philip Gunawardane. Later N.M. and some others fled to India. It stated that N.M. who took an Indian name served as a Bank Clerk in India.

In 1936, N.M. was elected to the State Council from Ruwanwella Electorate. During this era, N. M. became a household name. During the Malaria Epidemic, he went from house to house, and distributed "Parippu" to the poor people. People rallied around him.

He was affectionately known as Parippu Mahattaya. The general slogan of the left movement at that time was "Awissawellata Philippuwa," "Ratnapurayata Kuruppuwa" and "Ruwanwellata Parippuwa".

This great leader N.M. in 1947 was elected as the leader of the opposition in the first Parliament of Ceylon. In 1970's, N.M. served the Sirimavo Bandaranaike Government as the Minister of Finance. The Gem Corporation was his brainchild.

N.M. showed his brilliance earlier, when he was elected the Mayor of Colombo. Still people say that he ushered the "Golden Era of the Colombo Municipality."

N.M. was a great sportsman who loved Cricket and Tennis. Whenever the time permits, he represented the NCC team in the second division matches. Further, he did yeoman service to Nondescripts Cricket Club (NCC) as its President.

N. M. was a brilliant orator both in Sinhala and English. He was a highly respected Parliamentarian. The government and the opposition had the highest respect and regard for him. He was a fine debator.

I had the good fortune of covering Parliament and Senate for Dinamina and it was a treat to listen to N.M., Colvin, Bernard, Senators Nadasen and Doric de Soyza. During 1977/1978 period, Dr. N. M. Perera served the Board of Control for Sri Lanka Cricket (BCCSL) as the President. He took steps to promote the game throughout the country.

I wish to conclude this article which I wrote as a tribute to a Great National Leader by quoting a statement made by former President R. Premadasa.

R. Premadasa was a member of the Colombo Municipality at that time. He was a keen soccer enthusiast. During that time flood lit soccer matches were played at the Colombo Oval.

As a cub-reporter attached to Dinamina and Daily News I used to report on these flood lit soccer matches. Practically everyday, after the conclusion of the matches, R. Premadasa used to drive two of us N. L. Thangarajah (Daily News) and yours truly to Lake House, on his way to Sucharita.

One day I asked him a question.

"Sir, out of all the politicians, you have met so far, who is your favourite and the most respected Sri Lankan politician."

"Dr. N. M. Perera, He is my idol and the politician I respect the most."


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