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DateLine Saturday, 18 August 2007

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Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

CR determined to win Clifford Cup

Rugby: Today Saturday, of August 18 is 'bonanza' day for many rugby fans and enthusiasts who have waited eagerly, to watch two wonderful teams CR & FC and Kandy SC perform at their best, in the "Clifford Cup" final, at Nittawela, Kandy.

A rejuvenated CR & FC team, confirm their commitment to play 'solid' rugby and 'stake their claim' for the "Cup" in the finals of the Caltex rugby Knockout Tournament, having come through the quarter finals beating the Air Force and successfully demolishing the challenge from the CH & FC in the semi-finals.

When CR played the semi-finals on Wednesday August 15 at London Place, they qualified by 'knocking out' the strong contender CH & FC, with 'consolidated play' and penetrating the defence, with four splendid touchdowns. CR were undisturbed to face a late challenge from a discouraged 'CH' team, who scored 17 quick points towards the end of the game and were unable to catch up on CR's winning total of 30 points.

Meanwhile, the Kandy Sports Club followed up on their record win against the Old Zahirians by 84 pts. to 7 pts. with another victory against the Havelocks. This game, was a 'tough call' on Tuesday 14th, when they engaged in battle with the Havelocks Sports Club, at the Nittawela Rugby Stadium and won by 28 points to 13 pts.

Both teams seemed tense and unsettled in their approach to the game, perhaps due to 'match nerves' taking priority over their concentration and absolute necessity to play constructive Rugby. Passes were dropped and the 'spills' were not collected, with the ball running loose on occasions, which was aggravated by poor positional play and wrong alignment of players.

Coming back to this much-awaited Caltex Rugby Knockout tourney match for the 'Clifford Cup', it will be played up in the salubrious climes of the Kandyan hills and Kandy Sports Club will have the added advantage of crowd support, which is strong and aggressive. Being a Saturday, the stands will be bursting its barriers, with many keen vociferous supporters of both teams, who will come in anticipation of witnessing an excellent game of good, robust Rugby.

Ravi Balasuriya, the President of the CR & FC, who has proved himself to be a tower of strength and encouragement to the team, (as a former rugby captain), along with Anton Benedict, (also a former rugby captain with the 'Midas touch'!), who is the present Manager of the CR Club, expressed confidence that the CR team would work well together and perhaps 'pull-off' a surprise win!

In a pre-match 'chit-chat' with the versatile and well experienced CR & FC coach, Tavita "Laga" Tulagaese, he agreed that it would largely depend on their forwards gaining good ball, combining with the three quarters, running and handling their passes effectively and keeping to the 'game plan' "Laga" expressed some optimism when he said that it is highly possible that CR could spring a surprise, to win the game against the current 'favourites' and undefeated Caltex Rugby League Champions - Kandy Sports Club.

In this vital game, a lot will depend on how CR & FC counter the strong opposition of the Kandy 'giants' if they can put-their 'act together' in the first ten minutes of play and continue the 'smothering and bothering' in the last fifteen minutes of the game, CR could be 'giant killers' and retain the 'Caltex Knockout Championship'!

With good communication and understanding, proper positional play and alignment, plus ball possession by the forwards in attack and in defence, CR's skipper Anuradha Dharmatilleke could inspire his team to victory.

From the first whistle, to signal the kick-off, Kandy and CR & FC will set off with a bang and assuredly give their Rugby fans the hope and thrills of seeing 'fireworks' right up to the last whistle, signifying the end of a stunning game.

However, these 'fires' can be doused by 'the man' that can make the difference in this torrid match! Nalaka Weerakkody is that 'man' whose 'magic boot' and magnificent kicks, drop goals, conversions and line kicking, can change the final outcome of this match and the destiny of the 'Clifford Cup'.

Dilroy Fernando will referee this important fixture.



Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Mount View Residencies

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