Resolving the conflict: The role of patriotic citizens
Sri Lanka, known as Ceylon in the good old days,
was such a beautiful country in which we Sri Lankans -- the
Sinhalese, the Tamils, the Muslims, the Malays, the Burghers and
many others belonging to various ethnic groups -- lived in peace and
harmony with mutual love, respect and understanding for each other
and with malice towards none.
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Regional Integration - Can South Asia succeed?
South Asia is the least integrated region in the
world, where integration is measured by intra-regional trade in
goods, capital and ideas. It was even less than Sub-Saharan African
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Canada - forging ahead with confidence
Canada Day marks the creation of the Dominion of
Canada through the British North America Act on July 1, 1867,
uniting three British colonies-the provinces of Nova Scotia, New
Brunswick and Canada. The three colonies united to form one country
divided into four provinces.
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