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Monday, 21 January 2013






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

The comparative mission of the Catholic Church

Today, it has become meaningful to our line many aspects with respect to the Catholic churches commitment to a dialogue with other faiths. In the context of religious plurahsm harmony among religions need to be considered a top priority. In the Encyclical letter Redemptories Mission of 1990, the church has a specific logical purpose in pursuing interfaith dialogue.

It does not rise solely from concerns of human rights, justice and peace nor does inter religious dialogue originate from tactical concerns or self interest. It is an activity with its own guiding principles, requirements and dignity.

Today, the church needs the assistance of the Laity more than before, in its mission to ‘Go preach the gospel.’ In the past, the laity led by the priest had been able to not only strengthen the faithful but also to take Christ to the world, to unbelievers or those outside the church. This has been largely made possible through lay apostolic organizations particularly the society of Saint Vincent de Paul and the Legion of Mary. Today more than ever, the church speaks of the role of the laity in the mission of the church.

The concept of laymen in the ecclesiastical sphere has nothing to do with that of one who is profane or ignorant, of someone who on account of his in experience is helplessly dependant on the expert uneccelsiastical and religiously indifferent. In this sense there are or there should be more laymen in the church. In the theological sense laymen are the members of the people of God. In other words the layman is someone eminently sanctified and consecrated called from a world and participating in the ministry of Jesus Christ and who has been called to salvation by Baptism.

The notion of layman there fore does not mark the boundary. Rather it refers to someone who has a definite position within the one consecrated realm of the church. Many are persuaded to think that inter-religious dialogue which gives the Catholic church a comparative mission is primarily a matter of doctrinal discourse with other faiths. Today we identify various levels at which interfaith dialogue can be carried out. In 1984 the then Holy father in his ‘Dialogue and Mission’ spelled out four forms of dialogue

(1) Dialogue of religious of life

(2) Dialogue of action

(3) Dialogue of Theological Exchange and

(4) Dialogue of religious experience.

Dialogue of life refers to living in an open and neighborly spirit sharing the joys and sorrows, human struggles and preoccupations with the people of other faiths. Dialogue of action concerns a concerted effort aiming the social well-being and integral development of people.

Dialogue of theological exchange is the terrain of the scholars who are competent in dealing with issues concerning the mysteries of faith. Dialogue of religious experience refers to sharing of the spiritual riches of their religious experience traditions regarding prayer contemplation, faith and ways of searching for God.

The second Vatican Council was a real Pentecostal event which recognized the laymen and his role.

The spirit of renewal breathed life into every aspect of the church. Ideas, structures and forms that were cold rigid and unchanged for centuries felt the refreshing and liberating effects of the spirit. Some theologians speak of this as the ‘Copernican Revelation’ in ecclesiology. Just as in the case of the universe. In the church we move from hierarchy centred church to a people centred church, from a church centred world to a world centred church.

It is the ecclesial renewal or revelation that has almost reversed the conditions to recognize the layman in the church as a fully fledged member of the community. So it is very interesting to study the post Vatican concept of the laity. When we study the theology of Vatican Council II we see the centrality of this subject.

According to Y. Congar, he identified laymen as members of the people of God exercising functions in the world situation as priests prophets and kings. The social amity among believers of diverse faiths is not the only purpose in inter-religious dialogue.

It is interesting to see how social action and interaction with people of other faiths form an important subtext to the church teachings on other religions. The Pope until the late 1950's was subject to very little physical mobility.

He was called the Prisoner of the Vatican. The first linking of the churches most important theological treatment of the world religions Nostra Aetate. The second Vatican Councils construction on other religions came to Pope John XXIII largely as a result of his long exposure to the suffering Jews.

Pope John as the Papal legate in Turkey had done all in his power to save Jews from Hitler's persecution.

Nostra Aetate began in his mind as a statement on Jews which was later expanded to include other religions. The idea of the church as people of God has given to all the individuals within the church a positive basis and dimension for a personality.

He is a full fledged member of the people of God enjoying rights and shouldering responsibilities like anybody else in that people. The idea of the structure of the church is explained in ‘Christi Fidelis Laici’ taking the Biblical image ‘I am the vine, you are the branches.

This unity is not to deny the diversify of function. Just as each of our bodies has several parts and each part has separate functions so also all of us in union with Christ form one body (Rom: 12:4-6).

Feast of St. Sebastian’s Church at Katuneriya

The annual feast of St. Sebastian’s Church at Katuneriya, dedicated to Saint Sebastian began on January 17 and will conclude on January 27 with the festival high mass and Novenas held daily.

Sebastian was born to a noble family in the year AD 255 in Narbonne, France but grew in Milan (Italy) where he lived a very virtuous and exemplary life. He was reffered to as ‘the most sweet flower of Narbonne’ by the people.

In 283 (AD) when Diocletian was the Emperor, Sebastian went to Rome and enlisted in the Roman Army as an ordinary soldier, but due to his dedicated service coupled with his zeal and bravery, he received quick promotions and very soon was a captain in the Praetorian Guards Regiment.

At that time, Emperor Diocletian and his empire were pagan worshipers yet Christianity too was in existence and was spreading fast. When the Emperor learnt of this, he was so annoyed that he made a decree that anyone found engaged in the worship of Christianity, would be put to death.

Sebastian was already a servant of the Christ, but this fact was not known by many until he approached two Christian martyrs, Marcus and Marcellianus who had been sentenced to death by the Emperor. Sebastian encouraged the two, who appeared shaken by the tears of their friends who visited them in the death row, delivered them the Holy fire and encouraged them to remain in their Christian faith right upto the time of their martydom and further went about curing illnesses by the power of the Lord and making numerous converts.

The master of the Rolls in Rome, Nicostratus, brought his wife Zoe who had lost her voice for six years due to palsy in her tongue, before Sebastian, who then made the sign of the cross on her mouth and prayed. Zoe immediately began to speak distinctly.

Overjoyed, Nicostratus took Zoe, the parents of both Marcus and Morcelllinus, Claudius the Jailor and sixteen prisoners whom he selected, to his house and invited Polycarp the Holy priest to convert them to Christianity and baptize them.

Curing many diseases of the people, Sebastian was raised to the position of a Saint by the church, as patron of plagues. People even now seek his blessings, relief and comfort against all forms of contagious diseases and plague and have immense faith in his cares.

St. Sebastian is a highly venerated Saint of the Catholic church. The statue of St. Sebastian of the Katuneriya church will be carried in procession around the village following the festive High mass at 7.30 am on January 27.

Home of Compassion

The elders at the Home of Compassion at 201/1, Mahawatte Road, Colombo 14, who don’t have the basic needs to lead a decent life, have been lucky to meet the kind and sympathetic eyes of the few Reverend Sisters who are caring for them.

Headed by Reverend Sister Menna, assisted by few Reverend Sisters and helpers devote day and night to keep these hapless parents of different religions with no kith and kin or any other to support them.

They are forced to accept the fury and destiny and have no income at all. Some have been directed to the road by their own children. This Home of Compassion run by the Reverend sisters only with the financial support given by the general public. The sympathetic offer of help by the general public in cash and kind is solicited. When the inmates are increased in number, the space is a pressing problem to them.

The old and feeble parents feel uneasy to live as well as to move with the limited space available. Construction of an additional building is a mere necessity to accommodate the overflow. There is also the necessity of a Recreation Hall for the elders for reading and other indoor activities.

Financial support is sought by general public for this worthy task. Those who wish to extend their kind generosity for this worthy cause in cheques and money orders written in favour of Mother Superior, Home of Compassion, 201/1, Mahawatta Road, Colombo 14.

13th anniversary of Wattala Methodist church

The 13th anniversary of Wattala Methodist church which is situated at 28, Convent Lane, Nayakakanda, Hendala, Wattala was celebrated on Sunday, January 13 from 9 am to 1 pm.

The message and Bible study were done by Rev J J Gnanaruben, Superintendent Minister, Mannar, Murungan circuit followed by a Thanksgiving Service.

In 1996, the former President of the Methodist church Rev Duleep Fernando, participated as the Chief Guest at the 125th anniversary of Jampettah Methodist church, made an appeal to the congregation that their Ministry shall not be limited to the church, but it must go out and reach the people.

Thereafter, Rev S S Gnanaraj and the congregation who were there at the Jampettah Methodist church took all possible steps to start a small Evangelical Centre at No. 25, Alwis Town, Hendala, Wattala. Brother Raja Jeganathan was appointed to be in-charge of this. Christian Ministries such as Bible Studies and Services along with social service projects such as medical clinics, nursery school, children’s nutrition plan were regularly conducted at this centre.

When the number of members increased, a proposal was put forward to build a church. With the grace of God and the prayers of the congregation, a plot of land was purchased at the Convent Lane. In 1999, with the tremendous assistance and co-operation of the Korean church, Methodist Headquarters and the tireless effort of the congregation of the Jampettah Methodist church, the foundation stone was laid and the building was completed in 2000.

In fact, I will be failing in my duty if I don’t mention Rev S S Thambirajah and Rev S S Gnanaraj for their dedication, devotion and commitment to complete this project at the shortest possible time. Even Rev Duleep Fernando and the chairman Rev Daniel Koilpillai rendered their valuable suggestions and able guidance for the completion of this church building.

Ever since, the church was established it had functioned as an Evangelical Centre under the supervision of the Jampettah Methodist church. When Brother Jeganathan left this centre for further studies, Brother Mariyadas took up the sole responsibility and carried on the work effectively. Even Rev W P Ebenezer, Superintendent Minister and Rev N Arulananthan, Superintendent Minister should be highly commended for their invaluable services which they have rendered with insurpassed distinction and unsullied honour and we are indeed grateful to them.

From 2004 to 2008, Brother Sam Joel was successfully piloting the affairs of this church and since 2009, Brother Sivakumaran is rendering yeoman service to the greatest satisfaction of everyone.

Walking in God’s Love

A night to remember:

What a marvelous, joyful way to begin the year 2013 in Colombo. In the midst of over 1700 Christian Believers, between 8.30 pm and 12 midnight on December 31, with the King’s Revival Church, it was a sensational time to listen to people expressing their Praise, giving thanks and glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ for His Goodness, Mercy and Grace in the year 2012.

Words cannot clearly communicate the sweet presence of God in this assembly of humble, faithful worshippers, many of whom perhaps had opted out of other invitations to dinners and dances. Yes they were there, just to enjoy the true Love of God, by listening to the preaching of God’s Word, singing wonderful Praise songs to Jesus along with accomplished musicians, as well as to be encouraged by the true Testimonies of Thanksgiving, for answers to Prayer in their lives.

Awaiting the so-called blast through to 2013, with much eagerness, resulted in a beautiful breakthrough for many broken-hearted, desolate, lonely and poor people.

In a scintillating, star-filled setting of a heavenly atmosphere, the Snr. Pastor Jerome Fernando, an International Evangelist and Prophet, led The Way as a dedicated Preacher of God’s Holy Word. As a man of God, he is established in the humble truth and Teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Through hours of daily Prayer, Pastor Jerome receives incredible Revelations from God and then reveals it to the people, as Prophecies, Words of Knowledge and of Instruction, to provide Divine Guidance for their future.

Walking in God’s Love is absolutely significant and exemplary of Jesus – and that is what many will remember on the night of December 31, 2012 to walk in God’s Plan with great hope and expectancy of fulfilling the numerous Promises of God in 2013.

Lord Jesus is a Prayer Answering God to all those who believe in Him. No mockery or mischief making in the world can stop the genuine Truth of God’s Word flowing into lives of people, who genuinely seek Him. Curtailing one’s freedom of Worship will not stop anyone from seeking and believing in the Peace, Joy, Love and Salvation that Jesus readily offers freely. He took the punishment for mankind’s sin, whoever believes and receives the free pardon, will eternally be saved.

His birth over two thousand years ago has vastly impacted millions of people throughout many generations all over the world. Thank God, many scholars of the Holy Bible collectively produced the New Testament - based on the entire life of Christ Jesus, from His Birth, Death, His Resurrection, His Life after and His Final Revelation on earth, before His return to the Father’s Throne in Heaven. His work continues on earth through His Holy Spirit.

Of course, the Old Testament is more of God’s guidelines with Commandments to enable people to live righteously. Even the Prophets of those historical times, predicted the coming of the Messiah, as a Saviour and a Sovereign to bear a cross and to wear a Crown (Isaiah Chapter 9 verse 6).

There is no question or dispute about His Coming again as revealed in the New Testament, although certain elements in the world attempt to air their own selfish, aggressive thinking to misguide the weaker, poorer, powerless strata - in the matter of spiritual beliefs.

On the contrary, Christ Jesus has spoken to many leading Pastors, through the Holy Spirit, regarding the Rewards His people who believe, without doubting, will receive. Greater Blessings from the numerous, powerful “Promises of God” taken from the never failing Word of God – will be for you in 2013. While the ‘weird’ world talks of doom, drudgery and death, God gives His Plan to every living soul, to activate their Faith and act in obedience to His Word, in Righteousness and His Grace.

To abound in Faith comes from the Grace of God. “Grace is - God the Father’s overwhelming desire to treat people as though SIN had never happened! Our Lord Jesus has brought His dream to pass” – is what a leading revered man of God had to say.

In the New Testament, Jesus offers and pronounces Grace to you. It is up to you to activate your Faith and receive it, take the Grace given to you. In 2 Corinthians Chapter 12 verse 9, Lord Jesus says “My Grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness” – it is all in God’s Plan for you.

(To be continued: Pastor Jerome’s revelation of the 100 fold Increase in 2013 – for anyone)


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