CB to develop vibrant bond market in Lanka
Indunil HEWAGE
Sri Lanka has removed time restrictions on forward foreign exchange
transactions with effect from yesterday, Central Bank Governor Ajith
Nivard Cabraal said unveiling the Road Map for Monetary and Financial
Sector Policies for 2013 and Beyond.
A new investment account for non- resident amalgamating several types
of investment accounts currently maintained at LCBs has been introduced
with effect from yesterday while new inward remittances distribution
account which can be used as a clearing account to disburse earnings of
Sri Lankans providing services abroad, has been introduced.
Key projections for 2013
* Real GDP to grow by 7.5
* Inflation to stabilise at
mid-single digit levels
* Trade deficit to improve
from 15.1 percent of GDP to 14.4 percent of GDP
* Current account deficit to
improve from 5.5 per cent of GDP to 4.7 percent of GDP
* Reserve adequacy in months
of imports to remain around 4 months
* The overall budget deficit
to reduce to 5.8 percent of GDP
* Continuous improvement in
productivity levels |
Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivard
Cabraal addressing the Road Map for Monetary and Financial
Sector Policies for 2013 and Beyond. Picture by-Mahinda
Vitanachchi |
The Central Bank in addition has allowed expiring credit ceiling
imposed on banks at the end of 2012 to provide some stimulus to the
economy. Repurchase rate and Reverse repurchase rate were also reduced
by 25 basis points in December 2012 to attain the expected stabilization
in the economy.
According to Central Bank Governor, the multi-pronged policy package
helped the economy get back on track swiftly, and to record the shortest
tightening cycle since 2001.
“Sri Lanka is expected to have balance of payment surplus of $ 100
million and overall economic growth in 2012 would be about 6.5 percent.
With the expected further diversification in the economy in the years
ahead, the key sources of foreign exchange earnings would shift towards
more service based exports.
The Central Bank will make efforts to promote the competitiveness of
both exports of merchandise goods as well as services while indirectly
facilitating other foreign exchange flows, which would have an impact on
the exchange rate.
Measures will also be taken to bridge the high savings-investment gap
through medium to long term measures and long-term domestic savings will
be encouraged through positive real interest rates and through the
promotion of pension funds and life insurance,” Cabraal said.
Sri Lanka is well on track to achieving its target of doubling the
per capita income to US $ 4,000 by 2016.
In the meantime, to reach a US $ 100 billion economy by 2016, banks
and non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) will have to play a critical
role. In that regard, the Central Bank will review and amend the
regulatory framework to facilitate the business models of banks and
NBFIs and encourage the adoption of policies for diversification of
business and income, through fee-based services, strengthen the
regulatory regime, while encouraging diversification of sources of
funding and business operations mainly through foreign sources.
The Central Bank will endeavour to develop a vibrant and liquid bond
market in Sri Lanka, facilitating the development of the Government
securities market while encouraging the development of the equity and
corporate bond markets.