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Monday, 7 November 2011






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Suggestions for development of higher education in Sri Lanka - Part IV:

More options for students

In Sri Lanka there is the need for a radical reform of higher education in the context of its socio-economic-educational developments. The most powerful factor in Sri Lanka has been extraordinary expansion of secondary education in recent decades. The development constitutes the major factor behind the strongly felt need for qualitative and structural transformation of higher education.

Part III of this article was published on Saturday (5)

There is the need for qualitative and structural transformation and organizational arrangements of higher education. Whatever model or combination of models is adapted its structure must offer wider facilities for higher education with respect to geographic location of access conditions selection on educational background, of patterns, forms, length and fields of study, and in terms of possibilities of transfer of students from one level and type of study to another.

The people who work in the higher education institutions are the most important resource, which the system possesses. This includes the whole range of support staff too.

In a changing world academics will have to show some degree of flexibility and professionalism. The emergence of a new-network of higher education institutions, the introduction of new methods of teaching and the use of technology in tending all require that consideration be given to human resource management. Careful thought should be given to how human resources are met, and whether the existing demarcation lines between academic staff and technicians, academics and administrators are still appropriate. The increasing tendency to devote management tasks to the lowest appropriate level in institutions point up the need to develop further the few management programmes. A national training programme for the lecturers is proposed. More likely to be acceptable to institutions however, is a procedure which allows them the responsibility for their own professional standards.


Many students from low-income families, particularly those of high intelligence, will wish to get their higher education in the best institutions. The government should charter a national student learn bank which lends up to a certain substantial sum. Repayment with interest later should be the method of recovering.

We should boldly reconsider our goals. Pippard proposed for a two-year generalist degree. This has evolved opposition. USA is recognizing their goals. The doctor, engineer, the teacher must not be let loose on society unless they hold certificates of competence. But the journalist, the TV producer, the book publisher, may not want their formal education, in a solid block of 17 continuous years, from the age of 5 to 22 years. It is not possible for them to further their studies at higher education level. Their claims are unacceptable and it is too late for universities to close their doors to all except genuine scholars with plans for expansion to higher education, there must be arrangements for honourable exit from high education. To come to an institution willingly, as and when one wants some intellectual nourishment, and to leave the institution willingly, should be the aim of higher education. This means major changes in social attitudes towards higher education.

Students should be given more options;

(a) to differ entry

(b) to step out from higher education in order to get service and work experience

(c) to change direction while in the higher education institution

(d) to leave the institution willingly, when the student has got what he comes for

(e) to study even at home through correspondence courses.

Academic disruption and discipline have put severe strain upon the universities. Most of the problems are associated with poverty, lack of proper residential facilities, financial strain, sterile, insipid learning and teaching, lack of proper library facilities, lack of stimulation through leisure time pursuits, perception of an unsatisfactory future, deprived of employment, poor teacher pupil relationships, lack of communication skills in English. An overwhelming majority of lecturers and students oppose violence and disruptive demonstrations in campuses.

Dissatisfaction will persist for substantial period of time if the above contributory factors are not attended to. The diversity of higher education and the various options on entry conditions with problems to some extent. Policy should therefore, be directed not to suppress their attitudes, but to guide them into activities, which are not counterproductive. It should include the whole university community, students, lecturers, administrators, security, minor staff wardens.

Moral and spiritual values

Democracy should be borne out in practice. Good relations are not simply a matter of good-will. Reforms have to be negotiated in the constitution of universities. Admission of student representative to the governing bodies of the university is proposed Lancaster and Sussex Universities have pioneered full student membership of students - Senate Council and Court. Students are not involved in discussions on reserved matters including examination and assessment, staff appointments and promotions, and personal matters affecting individual staff and students.

Students are not genially represented at staff department meetings. In these universities there has been much less student unrest than some other institutions. Student representation in the governing bodies of the universities has been extremely successful.

Student services such as orientation for new students, health services, residential facilities, qualities, guidance and counseling, extra curricular activities and financial assistance are recommended. Deans of student welfare should be appointed to administrate those services. The working of student unions has to be improved and assisted. More alternation should be laid on student unrest and disciplines. Improved facilities for games and sports should be available. Emphasis on character building, patriotism, moral and spiritual values should be proclaimed.

International languages

The energetic development of languages and literature for educational and cultural development should be recognized. Unless this is done, the creative energies of the people will not be released, standards of education will not improve, knowledge will not be spread to the people and the gulf between the intelligentsia and the masses will remain.

Special emphasis needs to be laid on the study of English and other foreign international languages. World knowledge is growing at a tremendous pace, especially in science and technology. Sri Lanka must not only keep up with growth, but should also make the own significant contribution to it. For this purpose study of English deserves to be specially strengthened. A national centre for teaching of English can be integrated.

There should be a massive programme for production of books on all subjects, including translations of standard works from English and other languages. There should be a publishing House for higher education.

There should be a qualification and structural transformation. The place of Research Universities exclusive links with research excellence will lead to the questioning of the basic purpose of higher education and exploration at what constitutes the quality in this context.

The most able of students should receive their higher education in a research led environment, teaching in higher education involves the development of a pattern of understanding, which is cumulative and hierarchical in nature. For a subject to be appropriate for undergraduate education it must have a theoretical underpinning which can be probed and tested, to the extent teaching and research are equally important.

They do need to learn in an atmosphere of inquiring and intellectual excitement. Within universities some departments are already effectively teaching only department work and if the group as a whole creator an enthusiasm for learning, what is not acceptable is a department which merely recycles what is known as fails to equip students with the spirit of inquiry which will inspire them to continue to learn throughout life.

To be continued


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