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Tuesday, 13 September 2011






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Hiking Kilimanjaro No walk in the park

Kilimanjaro expeditions

* The meaning of the word ‘Kilimanjaro’ is shrouded in mystery, but some experts believe it means ‘White Mountain’.

* The first successful summit occurred in 1889. It took took six weeks. Today the average climber can do it in five or six days.

* On June 29, 2009 eight blind climbers made it to the top of the mountain in an effort to raise funds for 52 blind babies in Arizona.

* Around 10 people die each year trying to climb the mountain.

* The oldest person to summit Mount Kilimanjaro was an 87 year-old Frenchman named Valtee Daniel.

* Nearly every climber who has summitted Uhuru Peak, the highest summit on Kibo’s crater rim, has recorded his or her thoughts about the accomplishment in a book stored in a wooden box at the top.

Not everyone has the adrenaline for adventure. However for some, it is a way of life. Although many opine that adventurous activity is part of what people of the developed nations indulge in for leisure, a young Sri Lankan has defied this misconception by reaching the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro on August 4, a dream hike for adventure buffs the world over.

"I waited for 12 long years to step on Tanzanian soil to complete the hike. I feel a sense of victory having conquered it, says Huzam Kalam, a Sri Lankan youth who works in Dubai, recounting his experience.

"A hike is a physical and mental challenge and you truly come out of the hike being transformed into a completely different person. I have started to believe in limitless possibilities now, thanks to Kilimanjaro," he said.A hike is no walk in the park. It does not only tax your fitness but also your wallet, especially when the hike involves being in hilly terrain overseas.


A group of hikers carrying their gear up Kilimanjaro

Huzam at Africa’s highest point

Glaciers on the way to Kilimajaro

"The trip cost me US $ 1100 excluding the cost of all the hiking gear and flight ticket from Dubai. The whole trip could cost up to $ 2500. I trained for about a year to prepare for this hike. I have heard many people say how hard it is and how many people fail in the attempt, I did not want to fail so I made sure I gave it my all, to successfully climb the mountain," said Huzam.

Located in central east Africa, Mt Kilimanjaro is Africa's highest peak and the world's tallest free standing mountain. It is the fourth highest of the Seven Summits and composes of three distinct volcanic cones: Kibo, Mawenzi and Shira. Uhuru Peak is the highest summit on Kibo's crater rim.

"No matter how well one prepares, seeing similarly adventurous people being airlifted or being given medical aid after suffering Altitude sickness also known as Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) tends to discourage you. As days passed and we made progress tiredness started to affect most of us. I remember panting just by folding my tshirt and putting it into my bag. I was aware that we were so high from sea level but yet it was such a surreal experience," he noted. "We had great guides to help us get through the challenges and all of us in the team were aware of the extreme weather conditions throughout the hike, but I did not realize its gravity until I saw my water bottle completely frozen.

I then placed it beneath my jacket so my body heat will liquidize the frozen water again. The temperature was minus 25 degrees when this incident took place," he said.

Huzam Abdul Kalam

Huzam and his group which constituted a few foreign nationals took the Marangu route to climb 5895 metres high Mt Kilimanjaro.

"There are about five to six different trekking routes designated for the hike and the complete climb can take anything from five to nine days. The hike begins from a rain forest and then proceeds through an alpine forest, a desert composed of volcanic scree and glaciers which were at least over 50 metres tall," said Huzam.

Sky island

The peak season is between June and October. Being a sky island, Mt Kilimanjaro is home to a large variety of forests and over 1200 plant species. Endemic species such as the giant groundsels in the tussock grassland and other plants adapted to living in alpine conditions are abundant in these areas.

Hailing from up country, Huzam is not a stranger to greenery and mountains. His parents have been very supportive of what he has aspired to do and have encouraged him to be adventurous from a very young age. Prior to Kilimanjaro, Huzam has climbed Kirigalpotha and has travelled extensively all over the country.

"I truly get a lot of satisfaction from doing things like this and my dream is to at least climb five of the highest mountains in the world. Mount Everest is my ultimate goal and I will try to achieve it as well. Although these types of activities are exciting, I really recommend that young people take this up as a hobby as opposed to a full time interest. Adventure costs a lot of money and we need to make sure we satisfy all other needs before we venture into them," Huzam opined.

"I understand that not all of the hikers in Sri Lanka will have the opportunity to fly to Tanzania and climb Kilimanjaro. Trust me there are equally breathtaking and challenging hikes in Sri Lanka too, so our adventure buffs have nothing to be disappointed about," he concluded with a smile.


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