CEA to tackle clinical waste
The Central Environment Authority will launch a new program to curb
hazardous waste from clinics , Central Environment Authority Chairman
Charitha Herath said.
The new program will be launched in January together with Heath
Ministry and Environment Ministries , he said .
The Central Environment Authority will make arrangements to get the
'cluster wise incinerator' which can be used to burn these hazardous
waste. The CEA hope to deal with private sector institute and
organizations to develop such cluster based incinerations.
The hospital staff will be educated to handle those things and burn
their clinical waste.
In addition the CEA launched a national level electronic waste
management program in association with both public and private sector.
Electronic waste also presents an economic opportunity through the
recycling and refurbishing of discarded electronic goods and the
harvesting of the valuable metals they contain. E waste consists of old
electronic items such as computers, printers and television. Pilisaru,
the national solid waste management project is operating under the
purview of CEA on the theme of waste free Sri Lanka . |