ICASL launches CBA qualification
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (ICASL) in its
continuous endeavour of offering the best of qualifications to those
engaged in the accountancy profession, is once again being instrumental
in launching the Certified Business Accountant qualification, in its
mission to help accountants to be on par with their global counterparts.
The Certified Business Accountants (CBA) is a professional
qualification that will bring immense recognition to professionals in
the accountancy field employed in the private as well as the public
Anyone who has completed the Certificate in Accounting and Business
(CAB II), the Licentiate Examination, Intermediate Examination and has
three years work experience is eligible to apply for the CBA
In October this year, the ICASL signed an agreement with the
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) which
enables qualified members of either Institute to join the other and to
obtain non-auditing practising rights.
The Institute is the largest tertiary education establishment in the
country outside the university system with a student base of over
35,000. |