Daily News Online

Monday, 22 November 2010






Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

THOUGHT for the Day

The foundation of every State is the education of its youth
- Diogenes Laertius


Sri Lanka’s image builders

Broadly speaking, one can identify five distinct constituencies that shape Sri Lanka’s image abroad: First Western Governments - which I define from a politico-cultural standpoint, as countries that are geographically located in North America, Western Europe, as well as Australia and New Zealand, second, Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) - these include both International NGOs, as well as local NGOs who are dependent on foreign funding and hence often adopt policies dictated from outside, third, Sri Lankans abroad, particularly those living in Western countries; fourth, foreigners visiting and doing business with Sri Lanka and fifth, the international media.

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A Janatha Mithuro movement

There was a time I was associated with an organization called the National Movement Against Terrorism (NMAT). It was an agitational front that grew out of or was a new avatar of a group that called itself Janatha Mithuro, formed in the early nineties and led principally by Patali Champika Ranawaka and Ven Atureliye Rathana Thera. The members were mostly young graduates and undergraduates who took issues with the Premadasa Government as well as the fascist Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna.

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Network of irrigation projects in progress

The President has taken measures to ensure the well-being of the common man specially in the North Central Province where there are many areas with water scarcity, which in turn affects agriculture. The President who is well aware of the fact that our agricultural economy depends on water took the necessary decisions to start the Moragahakanda project allocating finance from the Treasury.

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