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Saturday, 14 August 2010






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Weekly Devotions:

NOAH - spiritual duties

We come to yet an outstanding character from whom we can learn so many wonderful ways in which God dealt with him. Noah comes to me as a quiet person who carried out his spiritual duties even though the people around him were becoming more and more wicked. Noah saw to it that his family too put God first in their lives.

It grieved God to see His people go astray. The situation was so bad that God decided to erase out man by bringing about a flood. Whilst the sun shone and people were going about their daily business, God instructs Noah to build a huge boat according to His instructions.

Noah preached to the people as he built this boat and warned them of the impending flood that was going to destroy the whole world, but of course they did not heed to him but considered Noah to be a crazy fool and ignored his warnings.

God’s last chance lasted for 120 years - that was how long it took Noah to build this huge boat. Noah’s commitment to this project was a long-term one and had to withstand the enemy’s attack through the people surrounding him laughing and jeering at him.

Some points to remember about Noah:

* He was the one person who followed God when all the others turned to wickedness

* Whilst Adam was the first father of the human race, we could say Noah was the second, as from Noah a new chance was given to the human race.

* He was a man of patience as he undertook this commission from God to build this huge boat, and finished this long-term project. Successfully without giving up.

Gen 7:1-12

Then the Lord said to Noah, “Come into the ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before Me in this generation.

2. You shall take with you seven each of every clean animal, a male and his female; two each of animals that are unclean, a male and his female;

3. also seven each of birds of the air, male and female, to keep the species alive on the face of all the earth.

4. For after seven more days I will cause it to rain on the earth forty days and forty nights, and I will destroy from the face of the earth all living things that I have made.

5. And Noah did according to all that the Lord commanded him.

6. Noah was six hundred years old when the floodwaters were on the earth.

7. So Noah, with his sons, his wife, and his sons’ wives, went into the ark because of the waters of the flood.

8. Of clean animals, of animals that are unclean, of birds, and of everything that creeps on the earth.

9. Two by two they went into the ark to Noah, male and female, as God had commanded Noah.

10. And it came to pass after seven days that the waters of the flood were on the earth.

11. In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

12. And the rain was on the earth forty days and forty nights.

After the rain stops, and Noah steps out of the boat, we find that Noah does a beautiful thing by building an altar and saying thank you to God.

Unlike Cain who tried his own way of approaching God, Noah follows the way God taught them to by Sacrificing a burnt offering.

We find that this really pleased God and God enters into a covenant with Noah and therefore to the human race.

Gen 9:1-11

Then God spoke to Noah and to his sons with him, saying “And as for Me, behold, I establish My covenant with you and with your descendants after you, Thus I establish My covenant with you: Never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood; never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.”

Gen 8:20-22 -

“While the earth remains,
Seedtime and harvest,
Cold and heat,
Winter and summer,
And day and night
Shall not cease.”

We have a promise here that we Christians can claim against destruction by the Ozone Layer being affected - through our prayers we can boldly claim this promise for the world.


Father, teach us to be faithful to you and follow your instructions, however foolish it may sound to the world.

Help us to understand your faithfulness in blessing us from generation to generation, if we follow the way you show us.

Teach us to be spiritual, search and find you and submit our ways to you. In Jesus’ mighty name we ask.


Virgin Mary statue journeys in Cuba

An icon of Cuba’s patron saint is making the rounds of the island in a sign of a gradual rapprochement between the authorities and the Catholic Church.

The pilgrimage’s send-off took place Sunday at the shrine to the Virgin of Charity of Copper, in a valley peppered with copper mines near Santiago de Cuba, 950 kilometers (590 miles) east of Havana.

Its year-and-a-half journey through the Cuban countryside is a highlight of festivities organized by the church to mark the 400th anniversary of the virgin’s appearance, according to legend.

Saint Anne, Mother of Blessed Virgin Mary

The Book of Proverbs says about a good housewife and who will find her? We have found her today in the person of St. Anne. Anne means ‘Child of Grace’.


Saint Anne is also called Ann or Anna and in Hebrew Hannah, meaning ‘favour’ or ‘grace’, was of the House of David and line and the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the grandmother of Jesus.

Sacred Scriptures make no mention of her let alone give her name. The Apocryphal Gospel of James, however, makes some references to Anne and Joachim, her husband, who were childless for many years.


They were a just and pious couple. Though wealthy and generous, they shared their wealth by dividing their income into three parts, the first to go to the poor, while the second to the temple and the third was kept by them for their own needs.

They had everything in life, but they were heavily weighed down by one great sorrow – the denial of children. Although they had petitioned God incessantly for years, there was no response. Being childless therefore, Anne was confronted with scorn and contempt at every turn, while Joachim’s offerings to the temple were rejected and publicly cast out as supposedly rejects from Divine power and in utter frustration Joachim took to solitude and loneliness. But nevertheless he turned to God the more and his unfailing trust in the Lord paid dividends, for an angel appeared to him one day, with a message - a message of hope.


”Thy prayer is heard, Joachim”, he said, “ and a daughter is to be born to thee and thou shall give her the name ‘Mary’ and she shall be dedicated to the Lord from her childhood.” Anne, the mother of Mary and the grandmother of Jesus could be described as a noble, courageous and a saintly woman. The book of Proverbs says about a good housewife and who will find her? We have today found her in the person of Saint Anne. ‘Anne’ means ‘Child of Grace’.

Because no historical data on St. Anne has come down to us, the Church presents her as the model Housewife and the perfect mother. God’s choice is always a prefect one for he will not choose anyone falling short of perfection, to be the grandmother of his son.

Rev Dr A W Jebanesan:

New shepherd for Methodist Church

One of the most significant moments in the history of Ceylon Methodism was on June 18, 1964 when the Methodist church of this country became independent. It became an instrument in God’s hands for the spreading of scriptural holiness throughout the length and breadth of this country. The founder of Methodism John Wesley described scriptural holiness as the love for God and love for one another.

We all know that love is the most durable power in the world. This creative force, so beautifully exemplified in the life of Jesus Christ, is the most durable potent instrument available in our quest for peace understanding and security. Every individual member of the Methodist Church has to proclaim this redemptive power and be a witness for Christ every day. In other words the mission of Methodism is to see that no one in this country misses the grace and salvation of God.

An outstanding feature of Methodism has been its openness. It means that the Church is ready to wrestle with the challenge it faces, whether they be political, social, economic or religious.

The Methodist doctrines which are deeply biblically based are able to clarify and guide those challenges into significant and meaningful channels and goals.

The church has pressed on for justice and righteousness at all times with dignity and discipline, using love as the chief weapon. Further the church has led the misguided men of our nation from the darkness of falsehoods and fear to the light of truth and love accepting the challenge with devotion and valour.

Another special feature of the Methodist Church has been its constant care for the poor, destitute and those who become prey to the various ills calling them to penitence and forgiveness.

The highest position in the Methodist Church is known as the office of President. The distinction of being the first President of the Methodist Church goes to Rev. James Lynch who was one of the Missionaries who brought Methodism to Ceylon in 1814.

One hundred and fifty years later the President of the British Methodist Church, Rev Dr Fredrick Greeves inducted Rev Fredrick Stanley de Silva as the President of the autonomous Methodist church of our country. He was 60 years old at that time and has served the church with loyalty and dedication for 33 years.

On June 18, 1964, Watson Peiris was inducted as the first Vice President of the Ceylon Methodist Church.

In order to facilitate the spreading of the gospel, three districts synods were inaugurated. Revds G. Denzil de Silva, P. B. Rajasingham and D T Niles were elected as the Chairmen of the Southern, Central and Northern districts respectively.

Rev Fred de Silva was known as a scholar and an astute administrator, a gifted preacher and an orator of class. His first sermon on the day the church became autonomous was entitled ‘In Christ in Lanka’ and had for its text Philippians 1:1. In the course of his sermon he said.

“The finest flower of the Christian life is not only the life of the priest, the sevaka and the sister, but also the life of the parent bringing up his family, the farmer producing food, the mechanic and statesman keeping the wheels of society going while they are in Christ.”

He was one of the most comprehensive intellects the church ever had. He excelled as an exponent of the Bible and in the realms of theology he was far above many.

He was elected to the highest position of being the President of the World Council of Churches. Among his many publications. “Upon the earth and calling to be a servant” are outstanding contributions to the discussion of the mission of the Church.

The void created by the sudden loss of Rev D T Niles was filled by Rev Denzil de Silva. He belongs to a family that has set up a Methodist world record. Born on April 1, 1907; he was the second of four brothers who were in the ministry. His father John de Silva of revered memory, his grandfather Rev Henry Marthinz and his great grandfather Rev Paul Rodrigo were all Methodist priests.

Rev P B. Rajasingham who took over the leadership of the Church was very keen to take the gospel to all. He believed that gospel is unconfined and so is the preaching of the good news.

The famous words of John Wesley “the world is my parish” was quite evident in the manner in which Rev Rajasingham performed his duties. Both the nation and the church were deeply grieved over the ethnic violence which erupted July 25, 1983. All peace loving people irrespective of caste, creed was shaken by the events.

By 1988 terrorism in the North and in the South started to erode the life of the Sri Lankan nation. The advent of Rev Duleep Fernando saw a great rejuvenation in the Church.

The eleventh President of the independent Methodist Church of Sri Lanka will be Rev Dr Ablert Wilfred Jebanesan. He will be inducted to this highest office on August 24, at 5 p.m. at the Methodist Church, Kollupitiya. He steps into this office after successfully completing a six year term as the Principal of the United Theological College of Lanka. He entered the Ministry in 1984 at the age of 27 and has served the church for 26 years before rising to this exalted position.

We all extend our warmest greetings to the new President of the Methodist Church.

Annual feast of ‘Kathirai Chelvee’

Little Rome, Sillalai:

The Universal Catholic Church commemorates the glorious Assumption of Our Blessed Virgin Mary on August 15. Blessed Virgin Mary unlike the death of her son Jesus Christ she had a peaceful, calm and serene death having the Apostles by her side.

The belief in the Assumption of our Blessed Virgin Mary’s immaculate body into heaven and re-united with her soul was held by the Christians from the time of the Apostles. Holy Father Pope Pious XII by a Dogma of Faith defined the Feast of Assumption and proclaimed the glorious truth of Mary’s assumption and declared to celebrate the feast to the Universal church and observe as a day of obligation .Holy Father Pope Benedict XIV declared that the denial of the Assumption of Our Blessed Virgin Mary into glory would be impious.


The feast of Assumption of our Blessed Mary and Our Lady of Remedies are celebrated annually on this glorious day August 15 in a very glamorous and jubilant atmosphere at the historic shrine at Sillalai in the Jaffna Diocese by the Parishioners of ‘Little Rome’ All the Parish families and devotees from other villages join in the nine day novena and vesper and on the tenth day the feast culminate with con-celebrated Eucharistic Sacrifice offered in solemnity in the open yard.

After the festive mass a procession with the statue of our Lady of Remedies placed on a gaily decorated chariot takes place around the church while the devotees singing Veruththam praising ‘Kathirai Chelvee’. On its return Blessing by the miraculous statue will be imparted and thus conclude the feast celebrations.

History records that in 1544 the Portuguese Missionaries came to Jaffna and built a church in honour of Blessed Virgin Mary at Pandateruppu and gifted a miraculous statue for veneration. Blessed Mother Mary through her intercession showered her Blessings to all who seek her graces and many were converted to Christianity. During Dutch invasion they destroyed all the places of worship and persecuted the Catholics Fearing the Miraculous statue of Mother Mary be destroyed by the Dutch vandals the Sillalai faithful removed the statue during the dark hours of the night and hid it inside pits and wells and protected.


In due course the devotees increased and they built a cadjan shelter for worship and placed the miraculous statue and named her as Lady of Remedies and venerated with piety. In 1687 Blessed Joseph Vaz came from India in disguise to propagate Christianity and found his way to Sillalai and was received with reverence. It is said that Blessed Joseph Vaz lived in this village over three years in disguise as this village was considered to be the safest place in the Jaffna peninsula and conducted his missionary work and converted many to Christianity.

During this time cholera epidemic raged this village and Blessed Joseph Vaz was seriously afflicted. By his special prayers and devotions to our Lady of Remedies he and the villagers were miraculously cured.

This act of mercy prompted him to call our Mother Mary ‘Our Lady of Good Health’ and in Tamil ‘Marunthu Maatha’. Our Lady of Remedies is also popularly known in Tamil as ‘Kathirai Maatha’ and ‘Kathirai Chelvee’.


This name came into existence because the statue portraits our Blessed Mother Mary seated on a chair having child Jesus on her lap. Sillalai is popularly known as ‘Little Rome’, a tribute given by the religious faithful of the North for having harboured Blessed Joseph Vaz for a long period and many children of this soil were gifted with the vocation to become Bishop, Priests Nuns, Eucharistic Ministers to serve in God’s vineyard here and abroad.

Those who cannot make their trip to Sillalai from Colombo and around arranged to celebrate the feast of ‘Kathirai Chelvee’ in Colombo like the previous years.

Festive Eucharistic Service combined with the feast of Assumption will be conducted in Tamil at St Lawrence’s Church Wellawatte on August 15, Sunday at 11.15 am in gratitude for the graces and protection received through the intercession of Our Lady of Remedies


Sseventh Sisu Udana Account Unit of the Mahara People’s Bank Branch was opened at Kirimetiyagara Holy Family Balika Maha Vidyalaya recently. Here Principal Rev. St. Mary Helen Fernando Lights the oil lamp to open the new Sisu Udana account unit. Gampaha Peoples’ Bank Regional Manager T.D. De Z. Gunawardana, Mahara Bank Branch Manager Ms. D.M. Wijesuriya and Vice Principal Ms. B.K. Sandayani Rodrigo were also present. Malwana group correspondent – Mahanama Vithanage

The annual festival of the Hiniduma St. Anne’s Church held August 7 and 8 for the 117th time. The festival concluded with benediction service and a grand feast August 8 noon. Picture by Theja Vidyarupa, Akuressa group correspondent


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