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Government Gazette

TNA - Fonseka pact:

See no evil Hear no evil Speak no evil

The announcement made by the TNA that although they offered to support President Mahinda Rajapaksa in his bid for a second term of office and as their terms were rejected, they have decided to support Sarath Fonseka (sans a political party sans a program spearheaded by a political party) reveals two important matters that merit the serious attention of the “common” voter in deciding whether to vote for President Mahinda Rajapaksa or the so-called “common” candidate Sarath Fonseka.

The first matter is that although the terrorist outfit of the separatist LTTE is wiped out in the armed struggle which they launched against the lawful Army of the State under the guidance of the Head of State and the Armed Forces - the President, the political proxy held by the TNA is still live and kicking and making a valiant effort to revive the separatist politics and hatred and the re-demarcation of the unified state of Sri Lanka.

All actions hitherto taken by the Government in getting the assets of the LTTE abroad frozen in certain countries, and getting the fund collectors of the LTTE abroad arrested and confiscation of some of the ships belonging to the LTTE - all these positive actions of the Government in its fight against the LTTE diaspora would be reduced to zero by this alliance between the TNA and the “common” candidate Fonseka.

By this agreement with the TNA admitted by one of the staunch supporters of his candidature, the UNP Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe is evident that Fonseka is common to the vanquished LTTE and its greatest supporter the leader of the UNP and strangely the JVP which once spearheaded the terror tactics in the South.

The other important aspect is complementary to the first in that the structured arrangements agreed upon between the TNA and the “common” candidate Fonseka is a threat to the security of the State. Sampanthan, the TNA Spokesman has said among the matters of agreement between the TNA and the “common” candidate are the removal of the High Security zones in the North and the East, the unconditional release of the LTTE detainees and the worst of it the re-merger of the North and the East.

The 1st two would logically lead to the free movement of the LTTE cadres who are under arrest and their re-grouping and consequent re-emergence and thus the “common” candidate Fonseka would be assisting and launching what he is publishing in his election posters “Deveni Meheyuma” to relaunch the LTTE terrorist movement. The contents of this “Meheyuma” of this “common” candidate can thus be found in the above two aspects of his agreement with the TNA.

The other most important point of agreement which relates to the issue of the separate State of Eelam is re-merging of the North and the East. It is stranger than fiction how the JVP supporting this re-merger. The only explanation is the JVP is keeping to their track record of politics of vengeance. The JVP sees no evil, hears no evil and speaks no evil of this agreement of Fonseka with the TNA. All their rhetorics about the Motherland are all in the waster paper bin which is the final resting place for them as well.

Territorial integrity regained by the Government under the political leadership of President Mahinda Rajapaksa should not be bargained for an election victory of Sarath Fonseka who has no socio-political vision for an united Sri Lanka.

We should not forget that although warrants of arrests were issued by the High Court Colombo none of them could be executed against Prabakaran in Mullaitivu, leave aside the sentences passed by the High Court in Colombo. The simple reason was that the writ of the Government was not operative in the North and the East. East came under the writ of the Government only after it was liberated by the Security Forces.

It was only after Nandikadal or chronologically to be certain it was only after May 18, 2009, that the writ of the Government could run throughout the length and breadth of the country which became a reality only under the leadership of President Rajapaksa.

It should not be forgotten that Sarath Fonseka was only the Head of the Sri Lanka Army, a position he gained under the Commander in Chief, President Mahinda Rajapaksa. He was only one of the Three Commanders who made the mission of defeating militarily Prabakaran.

If not for the great sacrifices and the operational ability of the Air Force and the Navy, the Army on its own could not have achieved what the Three Forces collectively achieved under the Commander in Chief, the President. But Sarath Fonseka’s statements and his acts of villainy if endorsed by the voter of Sri Lanka that would be the day of betrayal of Sri Lanka.



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