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Scrutinizing the collapse of Eelam

President Mahinda Rajapaksa made a solemn and firm pledge, that he will free the total nation of Sri Lankans from the cruel and inhuman grip of terrorists. This registered an electrifying impact on the whole nation-especially on the Armed Forces and the Police. This inspired all those, who fully appreciate and esteem the value of freedom, to strive towards the foal of achieving liberation, overthrowing the evil forces of terrorism.

Ranjith Ananda Jayasingha hands over the copy of the book to President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

The President's unswerving determination, persuaded yet another segment of Sri Lankan society to commit itself fully to this battle. And, this influential body was the media of our land. In an unprecedented dedication, the media espoused the challenge. Some media personnel "embedded" themselves in the Armed Forces, sharing the fortunes of the brothers and sisters in the Armed Forces.

Comprehensive reporting

The impressive outcome of this was the emergence of a massive body of reportage, on the war against terrorism. The reporting was comprehensive and gripping. Both electronic and print media, provided the masses of this land, graphic accounts of the action at the front-lines. The vivid reporting in the media enabled the people to follow the progress of the Armed Forces, bent relentlessly on ridding our noble land from the menace of terrorism.

The processes that culminated in the ushering-in of an era of glorious peace, in terms of the vision of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, had to be chronicled as a proud chapter in the long history of our noble land. Media personnel addressed this task jointly, at times with no regard for their own lives. One outstanding member of the heroic fraternity of media personnel as assiduously recorded at book-length, the evolution, the fluctuating fortunes and the final downfall of the Eelam Movement.

The title of this Sri Lanka Book I "Eelama binda-vatei". The Author is Ranjit Ananda Jayasinghe. The publisher is Dayawansa Jayakody and Company. Ranjit Ananda Jayasinghe's work is not merely a piece of reportage, recording the total eradication of Eelam and the demolition of it death-dealing squads.

Desperate vs compassion

But, totally contrary to that spirit, Sri Lankan Armed Forces, launched desperation compassion." those who escaped the lethal clutches of their 80 called "saviors: were cordially welcomed by the Armed Forces, providing them food, shelter and medicine. Perhaps, nowhere in the annals of the military encounters would one find such a massive escape of war victims to "enemy territory." Besides, the members of the Armed Forces, who lavished such compassion, has seen and experienced the inhuman and cruel ways in which there own people has been treated. This again, could be the world's greatest demonstration of practical human rights.

Ranjit Ananda Jayasinghe's efficient war story ends with the complex series of events, that led to the downfall of the LTTE. The body of the Eelam leader was found in Nandikadal Lagoon. The large number of lives, destroyed by the LTTE Movement cannot be revived. But, a record of the blood-stained story of these evil forces can eradicate or thwart the re-emergence of such human disasters. This book can play a positive role in that process.

Mother earth

The heart-warming scene of the President, who on his return from Jordan, worshipping mother earth, can very well be a universal symbol of compassionate and humane forces. That are arrayed against the heartless and utterly cruel terrorists. Ranjith Ananda Jayasinghe writes this book with and admirable objectivity. He never starts the story to accommodate his personal and private views. The book has a series of illustrations that an quite rare. He could write a more detailed tome, using this work as a preamble. When everything is said done, Ranjit Ananda Jayasinghe's work, illuminates a crucial era in modern history.

The book is so constructed that scholars researching the history of this dark period could whilze it as a hand-book. The book is a vade mecum, that views all the facts of terrorism, with a steady gaze. Objective critics will undoubtedly see this work as an impartial chronicle of the evolution of the Eelam Movement, wading through streams of blood, tears and sweat.

The writer initiated the narration of Eelam history, with the post-independent period-years immediately after 1998 as the preamble. The LTTE, resorted to truce as a ruse to strengthen its military capability. The book states that the President rejected this policy of false truce, outright. The writer views the President's determination to demolish Eelam through his own power and potential, as the first policy step taken by the President to defeat Eelam.

According to the writer, the background essential for the eradication of Terrorism, was provided by his victory in the Presidential Election. Presidential candidate Mahinda Rajapaksa faced the Presidential Election, entering into an understanding the JVP and Hela Urumaya. The Book elaborates this phase.

The book has no chapter division. In consequence, the book can be read through with absorption, as the reader feels that he goes along with an uninterrupted narration. In his run-up to a well-planned policy and strategy to eradicate terrorism, the President walked through the routine peace processes. These included the mandatory peace talks abroad. The book details these routine measures. It was during this phase, that the President acquired an in-depth awareness of the reality about terrorists and their vicious strategies.

Profound responsibility

From page 17 to page 46, the book monuments the profound sense of responsibility and patience, that marked the President's policies, since the people made him their leader. He thought that negotiations may change the terrorists. But it just did not happen. Their diabolical attempt to deprive the innocent peasants of a water-supply to irrigate their fields, made the President say decidedly. "Enough is enough." The provocative act of obstructing Mavil Aru near Kallare in Trincomalee, brought on total disillusionment, starkly exposing their fickleness and duplicity. "Mavil Aru incident", made the President resolve firmly to launch a campaign to eradicate Eelam Terrorism. This spelt the beginning of the fourth Eelam war, on the 13th of August 2006. This period is prominent in modern Sri Lankan history, as the phase during which we unambiguously demonstrated us to the global community. Sri Lanka was on an irreversible march to restore, peace, harmony and a wholesome sense of humanity. Some misguided individuals and organizations attempted to safeguard terrorists. There is a sustained account of that process in the section from the 55th to the 63rd page of this book.

Rallying demonstrations

The annulment on the 16th of January 2008, the Ceasefire Agreement that has existed for about six years, indicated the resolute decision of the Government to put an end to terrorism. The LTTE attempted to react through unleashing killings and air-attacks. The demonstrations and rallied organized by some elements in South India, proved futile, after the Terrorists attack on Mumbai on the 27th of November 2008.

The writer discusses graphically the inexorable march of the Sri Lankan Armed Forces, capturing such strategically important places as Paranthan, Kilinochchi and Elephant Pass. While the total eradiation of the LTTE was clearly within sight, President Mahinda Rajapaksa demonstrated his compassion.


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