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Hail! The heroes of Sri Lanka
We salute the brave sons of Sri Lanka
Who brought peace and victory to
Mother Lanka.

All come forth
From East and West,
North and
From the hills - the rest.
To salute the heroes of Sri Lanka
Who brought peace and victory to
Mother Lanka.

No more blasts!- Relief lasts!
No mourning - No wailing

The brave sons of Mother Lanka
You kept the world of our will
Nation's wishes you fulfill.

You did what we bade you to do
Accomplished the duty you were to do.

You sacrificed your soul
And never let the nation fall

You sacrificed that
Mother Lanka may live
And offered everything you could give.

Your sweat, flesh and blood
Washed away terrorism as flood

Your life you have forsaken
To engrave or birthright unshaken

Friends, sons and daughters
From all the four corners
Come forth to commemorate the victory
The victory, they brought three months ago

All born to this sacred land
Became one nation hand in hand

Flowers of fragrance will bloom
Grain of life will grow soon.
Trees will flourish to give shade
Cities will rise ahead.

Come forth! It's the mother's call
Let us join hands we all
Let's march to our sole aim
To the prosperity we gain.

Songs of valour we shall sing
That glory and dignity to bring
Under one flag
Under one king
Let's build up a United Sri Lanka
Under our mighty king
Prosperity and dignity to bring.

Raise in one voice-
Hail! Sri Lanka- Hail! The heroes of
Sri Lanka.

Nimal Welgama

The crow with a broken wing

He perches on a tree
Holding his head high
His wing is broken, yes
And his friends have
All chased him away.
He is an outcast, yes
But he holds his head high
Determined to stick it out
To face life in its pace
For he knows that
Life has its ups and downs
But facing it well is what counts

Nillasi Liyanage

Evening shadows

Why do our shadows get longer and longer
As mid day turns to a dusky eve
The gloom steeps darker and darker
As the sun turns a golden and oranger

Birds fly hither and thither
In the direction of their homely bends
Kids tum towards their father or mother
In search of love, shelter and cozy beds

Homes small and big light and glitter
With children's laughter so ample
As parents, grandparents twitter
Enjoying a meal refreshing, simple

Evening shadows bring new hopes for the morrow
For each and everyone in small or great measure
The day is done but sun rises again tomorrow
With tears and fears, hope and joy that we may treasure

Neetha S. Ratnapala

Aura of my rainbow

It does not come into existence
When the torrid sun devastates the Earth
Nor does it manifest itself
While torrential rains floods the terrain
It forms itself at opportune moment
When imprisoned sun penetrates the clouds bank
Shedding benign mellow rays

To scintillate the drizzling dew drop rain
Painting a grand spectacle with a background hill
Dazzling with vivifying beauty and splendour
Mesmerizing the viewer into a spellbound trance
By the aura of its hidden mystique

This miracle of the nature
Within its arch seven colours shine in harmony
There is no colour clash to outshine each other
Nor is there border wars to expand each other's ground
Red does not cover and bloody the arch
Nor does yellow peril the other hues
There is no colour pith to reflect intolerance and
Colours support each other in harmony

There's the vision of a great rainbow
Spanning the East with West
With Samanala peak as the blending background
Projecting the image of a new evolving psyche
of the nation.

G. H. A. Suraweera


Of different shades
Different scents
Tied up together
With a red ribbon
Into a lovely bunch,
To welcome a chief guest,
To congratulate a winner,
Or to wish a warm
get well soon
Or simply
To bring a smile
On a sad face
Flowers make wonders,
With their simplicity
and loveliness
By bringing hearts
And strengthening bonds

Chanakya Liyanage


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